New feelings

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Softness surrounds me the beeping of a machine somewhere in the room but the smell was of home and another scent that I recognised mixed together, I can hear voice's drifting into my room, fighting to open my eye's my vision fuzzy, the light was so bright I tried to pull my hand up to cover my eyes and felt a sharp pain in the back of my hand as the I.v line tugged at my movement and I winced, "Ava" a sleepy Emmet said barely audible as he lifted his head from it's resting place beside me, how had I not noticed he was there? He looked at me with sadness and excitement all in one before lurching from his chair and rushing out the door, slowly I pulled myself into a sitting position ignoring the protest my body made at the movement, the door swung open once more and my Dad practically flew across the room followed by Mary and Alpha Zane, Emmet stood near then door eying me warily, My Dad rushed to embrace me in a tight hug "my brave girl, my brave strong smart girl" he gushed, "what happened?" my voice was low and crackly, "do you not remember anything?" Alpha Zane asked coming to stand at the foot of my bed, I thought hard for a moment before pictures flashed into my mind, "I remember Lola and two guys I hadn't seen before dragged me to the woods, I remember fighting in wolf form at the peeks,  I remember seeing you three there I think," I gestured with my head to the Alpha my Dad and Emmet, "I remember seeing the trees rush by and the sun coming up" I paused thinking for a moment, "I think Lola killed a rogue child" I gasped at the memory, Alpha Zane and my Dad exchanged suspicious looks, "how long have I been asleep?" I had to look around at each face before I got my answer "two month's" Mary sighed as she said it, I couldn't speak all I could do was sit there with my jaw popped open. Mary ushered everyone out the room as the pack doctor entered with a young nurse at his side she looked be in her mid twenties, he checked me over as the nurse removed the I.v line and heart monitor silencing the beeping, "you gave us all quite a scare Ava, it will be a few weeks until you are back to full strength" he excited the room as the nurse slowly helped me up from the bed and guided me to the bathroom, upon entering I noticed a few things that weren't there before such as an extra tooth brush, I puzzled a it for a while as the nurse drew a bath, "I'll give you some privacy, just shout if you need anything" she smiled sweetly as she left the room. Sinking deep beneath the water I left the warmth surround me, two month's I had been recovering, I missed two whole month's of my life and that also meant I was only a week or two away from my Birthday and I wished nothing more than to be able turn back the clock and take back the time I had lost.

Leaving the bathroom without guidance caused me to stumble a little, I suppose that's what two month's of sleep will do to a person I was half way across the room when I felt my knees buckle, before I could hit the ground strong arms caught me around the waist pulling me upright again, I didn't have to look up to know it was Emmet who had caught me "Ava please no more accidents or injury's I don't think I could handle it" he pulled me close to his chest sighing heavily as he embraced me, my heart rate picked up and my stomach fluttered at our closeness, what was happening? "I'm so glad you are ok" he whispered into my hair, "me too" my voice was shaky, he helped me to the bed and sat beside me and my heart done a summersault at the way he looked at me "have you been staying here?" I asked remembering the way I had woken up to him at my side, his cheeks turned slightly pink "most day's, after we found you at the peek, the way you looked, you were hurt so bad, I couldn't bring myself to leave your side" he took my hand in his, I was pleased to hear his words they were like velvet to my skin, "what happened to Lola?" he looked down at our hand's "the high council took her into custody" I gasped the high council only ever got involved when the threat of war was apparent, "why are they getting involved?" I forced the question out, Emmet let go of my hand and stood backing away slightly "the rogues threatened an attack" he pushed a hand through his hair, what wasn't he telling me? I rose striding to him with unfound purpose, placing my hands on his chest ignoring the excitement that built within me I looked up into his eye's "what's happened Emmet?" he placed his hands on my hips pulling me slightly closer and my heart raced at his touch, wait seriously what is happening to me? He sighed "more rogues have joined the ones from the peeks, there are over 200 of them and more are arriving every day" he pushed some hair away from my face "you need to rest princess" I snorted a laugh "I slept for two month's" I said suppressing a yawn, he chuckled lowly "rest" he let go of my waist and left the room leaving me standing there missing his touch, what the fuck is happening to me? it's just Emmet he's just a friend and my best friends brother, speaking of best friend I hadn't spoken to Emmie yet, I made my way back to the bed and found my phone on the bedside table still attached to the charging cable, a million updates started to load as soon as I turned it on and sleep welcomed me like an old friend. 

Waking the next morning the first thought that came to mind was weather I'd see Emmet today and I couldn't for life of me think of why I missed him so much pushing it aside I mentally shook myself, I needed to get some air, grabbing the throw from the bed and my phone I sat on the balcony to sift through the hundreds of messages on the group chat,

Emmie: stay strong Ava

Amy: praying for you girl

Zack: bitch you had better pull through!

I laughed a little happy knowing my friends were there for me but still able to be themselves, I scroll through the rest of messages, mainly well wishes from them letting me know they were always thinking of me and a few photos, one of the three of them at the lake on a sunny day captioned wish you were here right now, another of Lolo being pushed into the back of a black van captioned bitch will be pay, I sat smiling at my phone for a while until my phone buzzed with a new message snapping me out of my thoughts

Emmie: Ava?

Zack: she's woke up right?

Emmie: Yesterday I think

Zack: Bitch you better reply or we will file a missing persons report!

Amy: omg Ava I'm so happy you are ok

Ava: Hey guy's sorry I didn't text sooner phone was updating and I had to catch myself up on your messages, I miss you

Zack: well you wont miss us for long

Wait what? what does that even mean? I didn't have a chance to ask as the next thing I knew he and Emmie were on my balcony wrapping themselves around me , it filled my heart with joy.

We spent the morning lazing on the balcony and in my room just catching up on all the things I missed while I slept, it's mad how you can miss so much in such a short space of time, I kept glancing at the door every time I heard movement hoping Emmet would make his way into the room but to my surprising disappointment he never did at least not while my friends were here. About twenty minutes after they left there was a nock at my door and my heart fluttered in my chest knowing who was on the other side before I even opened it, I smiled to myself and opened the door to Emmet standing there hands in his pockets looking sheepish, my stomach knotted with excitement at the sight of him, he pushed the door wide and swept me into his arms as a contented sigh escaped me, why was I feeling like this? I never thought of him as more than a friend before so why now? Just being in arms felt right, it felt safe and happy and warm and like it was my new favourite place to be.

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