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As we run further into the woods I realise we are heading in the direction of town when the smell of smoke and sound of arguing and screeching tires assault my senses, we slow our pace as we get closer "Are they leaving?" the question bounces around the pack link "it would appear so" my Dad responded "approach with caution we stay near the tree line and know one steps out of formation unless told to do so" we keep our heads down and seat ourselves in semi circle around the makeshift campsite they have set up in the clearing, the slim man from new York is standing on top of an R.V a small crowd had gathered below "we can take them you know we can, we just need to stick together and follow my lead" he bellowing down to the rogues below "we are getting sick of your shit Jake" a silver haired man interrupts him "we are rogues for a reason, we have no Alpha nor do we want one why should we listen to you after everything you've done? after new York? we are done and we are leaving" several yeah's of agreement echoed through the small crowd, at the mention of new York I noticed my Dad flinch slightly, a little girl came running from a tent then heading toward a car she spotted us on stopped abruptly causing a woman carry black bags of things to nearly trip over the woman's head snapped up in our direction "step back" Alpha Zane ordered we backed up as one closer to the treeline the woman's eyes went wide and she dragged the girl to nearby car whispering in some ones ear a dozen people broke away from the group at the R.V and more than half the rogues drove off without a single glance back to James and his cronies, he finally realised we were there and he took in our numbers his faced paled he gave orders to his few followers and they all started retreating into the R.V or the single car left standing, with foot on the step James turned to us then "We will be back, the girl will be mine and you will regret ever refusing me her" the R.V started to me before he was even fully on it, my Dad and Emmet stepped out of formation at his words both baring their teeth "ENOUGH" Alpha Zane bellowed I approached my Dad looking my Alpha in the eye's "what now?" I can tell everyone was thinking the same "now we inform the high council and prepare for war" tension rises in the air at his word's everyone instantly going on edge, our pack hadn't seen so much as turf war in the last hundred years.

Back at the west entrance to the lake I change forms at the side of my car grabbing my clothes out of the dress bag Emmet had dropped and searching my car for anything Emmet, Alpha Zane and my Dad can use to cover themselves, I find two beach towels a pair Zack's shorts from the night of Lola's party and hand them out then turn my back so they can change forms and cover up. My Dad insisted on driving my car home as soon as we got there he rushed in to change out of Zack's borrowed shorts so he could head over to the Alpha's house to start making plans.

I made my way straight to the shower letting the hot water cascade down over me washing away my panic and fear. Excitement started to bubble within and my wolf was practically bouncing with joy as I could sense my mate making his way to me, I hastily dressed in the nearest thing to me which happened to be a thin tank top and blue shorts I wore for bed, throwing my hair into a messy bun I strode to the door and opened it just as Emmet was about to knock, my heart skipped a beat and my stomach done summersaults just at the sight of him I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him into the room instantly going on my tiptoes to kiss him, he groaned into my mouth and lifted me up wrapping my legs around his waist as he made his way toward the bed, lying me down with my legs still tightly wrapped around him I tangle my fingers in his hair and pull him close feeling his hard length pressed between my legs primal desire took it's hold of us then and we wasted no time stripping each other of our clothing I let my fingers make a trail across his pecks and abs which garnered another groan from him one of his hands gripped my thigh pulling me slightly closer to him while his other hand trailed up my hip to cup my breast stroking a thumb across my already erect nipple,  pleasure I had never felt before erupted across my skin and I groaned against him, we were moving fast and I didn't care he was my mate, true love as destined by the moon goddess and being with him in every way just felt so right, his canines changed to that of his wolfs and I knew without a doubt he was going to mark me as his mate, I turned my head to the side to give him easy access as he slipped himself inside of me he sunk his teeth into my neck, pain and pleasure both exploded then and my head spun a little gliding my hand across his muscles and arching my back slightly so I was pressed closer to him he sucked on my nipple then the other trailing kisses and gentle nibbles across my collar bone before kissing me with such desire and passion I felt my body tighten around him our beings pulsing as one his eyes darkened just as I reached my climax. We lay panting for a while words unable to form he pulled me close to him then, his scent surrounding me, my new favourite place was right there in his arms "mine" he whispered into my hair "always" I fell asleep wrapped in his arms with a smile on my face, that night my body and wolf content, I'd always tried to imagine what it would be like to find my mate and my fantasies never matched up to this.

I woke to the sounds of soft vibrations Emmet slipped of the bed picking his phone up of the floor "the high council are sending an ambassador they will be here later in the evening" he looked at me greedily and memories of what we done the night before flashed in my memory he lay back down behind me pulling closer to him once more, moving my hair of my shoulder he inspected my mate mark and gasped "what's wrong?" I panicked "it's healed already" I turn in his arms and kiss him "that's a good thing right?" he cupped my face "it's a very good thing" he kissed my head "it means you will be a strong Luna if I'm remembering properly" Luna! I completely forgot that Emmet will be the next Alpha of the pack instantly making me the Luna "and you will be a great one at that" he kissed me deeply now igniting the same passion as the night before and I groaned instantly. 

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