Moving forward

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Two years later...

I stand nervously in front of the mirror swiping my hands down the materiel of my dress to smooth it out as Emmie and Amy place flowers in my hair. I knew this day would come but I can't deny that the thought of it still scares the shit out of me. There's a nock at the door and Zack pops his head through, "you look stunning" he gasps, a give him a twirl, "what this old thing?" he beams widely as he steps into the room, "are you ready my lady?" I look between my friends before answering "no" I shake my head "but lets do this" I lift my shoulders and march toward the door before I can change my mind Emmet's own nervousness and excitement washes over me through the bond and i feel myself relax just a little, I make my way to the foyer of the Alphas house and find my Dad, Mary Jonas and Conner all waiting for me, all heads snap my way as I descended the stairs my friends trailing behind me, there's no going back now, today is the day that I become the new Luna, the day I officially marry my mate in pack law.

Everyone hugged me in turn, whispering encouragements in my ear and telling me how beautiful I looked, as nice as it was the only person I wanted to be holding me right then was Emmet, it had been nearly a week since I'd seen him, another wolf tradition, after today we will be the new leaders of this pack.

My nerves started to get the better of me as everyone but my Dad rushed to take there seats, it's not entirely unlike a human wedding but rather than exchanging vows with each other we vow to our pack to be the best leaders we can be. We step into the large garden as everyone gathered howls and bend to one knee in respect, my heart rate picked up as I noticed Emmet stood at the alter with his parents on either side of him, " you've got this princess" tears pricked at my eyes at his word's. Alpha Zane denounced his role of Alpha officially passing on the role to Emmet, and Luna Emily did the same with me, we turned to face the gathered crowd and vowed to protect our pack and always do what is best for them.

The celebrations continued with Alpha's from all around coming to congratulate Emmet and myself, it was surreal to say the least. As the festivities went through into the night, a feeling of unease settled within me and my eyes locked with the high council ambassadors from two years ago my stomach dropped, the twins never brought good news, Emmet sensing my reaction was by my side instantly looking in the same direction his breath hitched, our first reaction was to notify the Alpha but that was now Emmet, my Dad hadn't yet stepped down from Beta so we motioned for him to follow as we led the ambassadors through the  house and into the office. The tension was building and I couldn't take it anymore "to what do we the pleasure?" I asked as Emmet took his seat behind the desk, I stood at his side keeping a hand on his shoulder as our last encounter with them in this room didn't go too well. They pushed their hoods back as one, which is creepy as hell! "the high council would like to congratulate you both on your new titles" my Dad stepped forward then from his place on Emmet's other side, "they sent you all the way here just to say congratulations?" his voice was skeptical, the twins looked at one anther "we do have a rather pressing matter on our hands" Emmet leaned forward on his elbows and motioned them to continue, "it seems when the damned help Jake escape they only done it for their own gain, they have been experimenting with his blood and have created a new breed of vampire" stunned silence followed that statement and they continued on "they are building an army, one we must fight not just to protect us and our way of life but to protect the humans and the world as we know it" Emmet straightened his shoulders "and what is that you want from us?" they smirked at his question, "isn't it obvious new Alpha? we are building an army of our own and we want you to join us and lead it into battle against the damned" wait what did he just say? My head started to spin, "how much time do we have?" I couldn't imagine how big the vampire army was now, they had two years to build it, "it could be weeks maybe month's, we cant say for sure" they lifted their hoods once more "we will give forty eight hours to make your decision" then they left without another word. 

Thanks for reading, if you would like to know more about Ava's and Emmet's journey please say, I already have the idea to continue the story and with your support i will hopefully be able to bring it to life for you to read.

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