The Damned

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They had finally let me leave the infirmary after many more tests, feeling like a pin cushion as I left I could but wonder what Jake was going through. Call me insane but i felt bad for the guy, he went unheard and took matters into his own hands, yes that ended going badly for me, but was it really worth his life? I took small comfort in knowing that he will be reunited with his true mate in the next life. Emmet led me to the guest room he'd been inhabiting during my unconscious healing, clothes strewn across the the backs of chairs and the faint aroma of his aftershave welcomed me as I stepped over the threshold. I couldn't wait to get back home and back to my life, but because Jake's crimes were towards me and my pack also we had to stay to witness his execution.

Emmet insisted on helping me bathe, though he had admitted to giving bed baths the last few weeks I still felt grubby and wanted to get the hospital smell off of me, catching my reflection in the mirror I wanted to cry with how frail and small my body had become, he caught my gaze and stepped in front of  me to block my view and slowly lowered me into the warm water waiting below, "you will always be stunning no matter how much you weigh princess" he kissed the top of my head before tipping a jug of water over my hair, I hadn't more grateful and in love with this man before that moment, the fact that he was willing to care for me in so many ways, protect me from myself, I could hear the love in his voice with his words and my heart swelled. Twisting awkwardly so that i could face, I placed my lips against his, gently at first hoping to transfer my thoughts and feeling to him in a way, the kiss turned more intense, feverish and before I knew it I was straddling him as he perch on the edge of the bath not caring that i had just soaked his jeans and shirt complete through. 

The wetness just highlighted his abs even more and my fingers twitched to run along them, tugging his shirt so I could do just that, his breath hitched at the feel of my fingers tracing lines around his muscles, he kissed his way from my mouth down my jaw onto my chest and catching my nipple in his mouth while caressing my other breast with his palm I moaned lowly with the pleasure. I had missed him and his touch, tugging gently at his waist band, he stood holding me to him, spinning round he placed me on the edge of the bath where he had been and kissed from breasts pausing to suck on my nipples in turn, down my stomach and onto my thigh, I wanted the feel of his hard length inside me but he didn't stop there, instead he carried on kissing a trail to his intended target and I felt his tongue against my clit and it was a pleasure I hadn't experienced before. I threw my head back as he pulled me closer his head still firmly buried between my legs working wonders with his tongue as he slipped a finger inside me so slowly so gently, I moaned again and started to feel my hips move with his rhythm. He slipped another finger inside me then and picked up the rhythm with both his tongue and his hand and I felt myself come undone around him, he slowed his movements as I rode out the wave of pleasure, as I tried to steady my breathing and thumping heart he looked up at me with a Cheshire cat grin that could make any woman's panties drop and if mine weren't already on the floor then they soon would of been, "oh how I've missed you, the taste of you, the feel of you, all of you" his words had my breath hitching as he lowered his pants to the ground and lifted me into his arms, slowly guiding me down until his length slipped inside me, he turned pressing me against the door as I wrapped my legs around his waist bringing him as close as possible, it was slow and sweat and first as he kissed my neck and caressed my breasts, then he picked up the rhythm once again my hips moving along with him, I could feel the pleasure building and ebbing to overflow, I gently bit down on his shoulder as he kissed his mark on my neck and we came undone together. Reluctantly I allowed him to lower me to my feet and buried my face against his chest, breathing his scent and smiling to myself, he placed a gentle kiss on top of my head once again, "I'm never leaving your side again" his statement sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach, "good, cause I don't want you to". He picked me up again and lowered us both into the bath, this time I actually let him help me wash and helped him wash in return. We only stopped was more to loose ourselves to our desires.

I awoke the next morning with my hair still slightly damp, opening my eyes to fin Emmet gazing at me, I smiled as he pulled me towards him and grumbled as his phone started ringing interrupting my bubble of bliss.

We made our way to the courtyard meeting up with our Dad's along the way, I know that everything Jake done was wrong and I wanted to see him pay for killing my mom, but was taking his life really the way to go about it? There were so many people gathering to watch the spectacle at hand, we found seats near the front where a small stage had been set up with what looked a genuine galantine and a raised seating platform presumably for the high council members, the shock had only just started to wear off as the high council seats started to fill. A deadly silence descended upon the gathered crowd and Jake was lead toward the center stage with a burlap bag over his head, hands tied behind his back with a long chain that connected it to the cuffs around his ankles. It all seemed off, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, Emmet squeezed my hand gently feeling my discomfort through the bond, I took a deep breath and gave him a small smile in response.

Jake was forced to his knees in front of the high council and the bag removed from his head, the mother fucker was smirking, why was he smirking when his sentence was about to be carried out? "you have been sentenced to death for your crimes of murder, illegal experimentations on yourself and the damned" Great Alpha Prime's voiced boomed around the courtyard, he become head of the high council when he lead all the packs of America in the great war of our kind "how do you plead? The feeling of unease increased within me and that's when all hell broke loose. Smoke started to fill the large courtyard and screams started to fill the air, so many people changed to wolf form, but nothing could of prepared us for what happened next, Jake pulled his wrist and legs free like the chains and cuffs were made of paper as dozens of vampires swarmed the place, wolves were strong and fast but vampires were stronger, faster and heartless that's what made them so feared, several of the guards had their throats ripped out as Jake took the steps towards the high council members and before anyone could react as the head of the council great Alpha Prime rolled to the floor at his feet and just as quickly as they came the vampires disappeared as though they weren't there all along Jake along with them.

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