The high councils lap dogs

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I didn't want to leave my room where I had my own perfect bubble with Emmet, I felt our bond strengthening the moment he marked me, it intensified instantly and a rush of feelings, strength and power made it's way through me, some people would probably think we went through the whole process too fast as some mates take their time getting to know one another before marking but I already knew Emmet I felt like I'd known him my whole life not just a few month's, we had spent hours walking along the tree line talking while I was healing and as much as I wanted to we couldn't hide in here forever, we had to meet with high council ambassador after all.
Sitting in the passenger seat while still holding his hand yes it made it slightly harder for him to change gear but we made it work, I enjoyed the feeling that spread across my skin whenever we touched and well he didn't seem to mind so why not?

This was the first time I've ever been inside the Alphas house and my nerves were all over the place Emmet wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me close to his side "relax princess" I felt some tension leave my body at his words, taking a deep breath I let him lead over the threshold, we went straight to the Alphas office, upon entering the first person was my Dad still wearing the clothes from last night, his hair looked disheveled and I could see dark bags forming under his my heart ached a little for him, Emmet was reluctant to let go of me completely and switched from holding me around the waist to holding my hand keeping a constant humm of electricity and warmth moving between us. Alpha Zane stood as we entered coming around the front of his desk and embracing his son whole heartedly I sucked in a shocked breath as he embraced me next, "I'm so happy for you both" I felt my cheeks blush, my Dad came and stood next to our Alpha looking slightly awkward "as am I, I know you'll take good care of my daughter" he shook Emmets hand as he said it, I raised an eyebrow just as Mary and Luna came in, Luna had tears in her as she took us in "welcome to the family" she kissed my cheek softly and scouse Emmets arm, as nice as it was to know that everyone was happy for us it still made me feel a little awkward and made my blush deepen with each look they my way.

The door bell rang and I let out a breath I hadn't realised I'd be holding Emmie led two tall hoodies figures into the already full office, pushing their hoods back they keeled to Alpha Zane to show respect "welcome to my pack and home" they rose from their position and I noticed then that were identical, twins probably. They were tall and very slim slightly pale with white blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, high cheekbones and strong chins they could be cat walk models but they radiated power and that sent shivers coursing through my spine. They looked around the room at their welcoming party "the high council have sent us to advise only on your situation" I exchanged a worried glance with Mary "advise?" My Dad was angry "we are facing a war" he ran his hand through his hair making a little more messy, "that is our orders" they answered in unison and that creeped me out further, Alpha Zane was silent for a long while flashes of anger and understanding crossing his face simultaneously "we welcome your council" the twins smirked at this "the council has advised that you do not involve any other packs in this dispute" wait what? "There is no dispute, war has been threatened if we do not..." they cut the Alfa of and his face was livid "if you do not hand over your newest member, we are aware of this Alpha" confusion was evident on the face of every person in the room my Dad and Alpha Zane looked like they were ready to throw a punch, the silence was deafening "so what action are going to advise us to take?" All attention was on me again, why did I have to open my mouth like I know something? Emmet radiated pride then and Alphas eyes soften slightly, "it would be in your packs best interest to give them what they want and avoid conflict" shit, Emmet launched himself at the nearest Ambassador as my Dad fought against letting his wolf take form, I didn't think I just threw myself in front of Emmet before he could get a hit in. His eyes widened in shocked and he stumbled backward slightly, a growl was coming from Alphas chest "you want us to hand over one our own" his breathing was becoming rapid. Luna wrapped a hand around his arm landing him her strength, "that is what we advise, the wolf is not pack born and has been a member for nothing more than a few months, there should be no hesitation in making such a decision" these guys were asking for their heads to be torn off "so you want me to cast out a member of my pack who is not only the daughter of the Beta but also the mate of the next Alpha?" Alphas words were calculated and held a fierce tone, their eyes snapped to me then "well that does complicate things entirely" I felt Emmet relax behind me at the words, "we will need to take time convene before we can offer any more advice" they were of no help at all. I approached my Dad and Alpha Zane slowly willing my Dad to understand the true meaning of my words "I need to tell Jona about this Jake guy" Alphas eyes rose a little but he nodded is approval.

Emmet watched my every move as I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed the number for the Alpha of my old pack, i had in load speaker and he picked up on the third ring "Hey Ava, how's it going?" I could here the genuine happiness in his voice "hey Jonas, erm you might wanna sit down before I tell you why I called" everyone was watching me "Ava, what's happened?" The panic in his voice was so raw, I could feel through the bond that Emmet didn't like it, "the wolf erm the man that killed mom" I looked up at my Mate nervously "he erm he was here and he threatened the pack saying if they didn't let him take me he would start a war" I heard him suck in a breath "shit" muffled voices sounded "I'm on my way" the phone went dead then "you were told to get any other packs involved" ugh these guys were still here "she didn't ask for his help, she didn't ask for him to come here, no rules were broken" Alpha was clearly fed up of these guys too. A meeting for the next day was arranged, as Luna showed the ambassadors to their rooms all eyes were on me again I already knew what they wanted to know, I sank into one of the chairs facing the large oak desk, "Jonas Grey is the Alpha of my old pack in New York, he took the role early after his grandfather became too frail for it, his Dad died when he was two he never knew his Mom" I sighed "Jonas become like a brother as my Mom took care of him 90% of the time, he took her death personal" Emmet sat in the chair next to me reaching across to take my hand in his "he begged me to stay, but something told me I had to be here" I looked up into his eyes he was looking at me with wonder and love and understanding, "It was your bond" my Dad said placing a hand on my shoulder, "so Jonas can be trusted?" Alpha asked, I nodded "definitely". My Dads grip on my shoulder tightened lightly "well then all that's left to do is wait his arrival" I smiled up at him feeling so lucky to have such a strong brilliant man as my Father.

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