On the run

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I woke to the feeling of motion signaling that Jake was once again moving the R.V and us to another location. An intense pain sliced through my temple and I screamed.
Tires screeched and I clattered to the floor as the R.V cane to an abrupt halt. Next thing I knew he was pulling me into him cradling my head to his chest, I whispered not through pain but because it wasn't Jake who's arms I craved it was Emmet's. I screamed again as more pain sliced through my head, as It subsided I could faintly hear the sound of shouting and banging, Jake growled as another wave of pain hit me, by this point my screams were more animal than human.

I heard the door crash in as I lay writhing in pain on the floor and I as much I hate to admit I clung onto Jake not wanting him to let go of me. The pain started ease again, I could hear mail voices shouting but concerned.

The pain had almost completely gone now and I tried to sit up, that seemed to knock Jake back to his senses "are you ok? What happened?" I looked up into the faces of two police officers it was then that I noticed the flashing lights through the window. I looked between the officers and Jake and saw my opportunity, "miss are you ok?" The older of the two asked I just kept staring I didn't know what to do what to say I was shocked to say the least to see that someone had finally stumbled into this fucked dream that now become my life, "sir, might I speak to you alone" the same officer spoke again, the other one who looked to be in his late twenties helped me to my feet and led me outside where I swayed unable to keep my balance, I leaned against a nearby tree not letting the fact that I was outside without him slip my mind. My chance was coming "miss are you ok?" I couldn't find my voice so I just nodded, "miss we can't help you if you don't tell us anything, something, if there is something anything wrong we can help", but what can I tell them? That I'm a wolf shifter that comes from a long line of wolf shifters? That this man, Wolf, Hybrid kidnapped me because I look like his dead mate? The mate he accidentally killed? Yeah I looked in the locket it holds a picture of him and a girl that looks scarily like me. No I couldn't tell them that could I really? Not only would they think I'm crazy but they would probably make it easier for him to get away with this, "there's nothing to tell officer" my voice betraying me by shaking, he looked like he wanted to argue to say he didn't believe me but I could hear shouting the sounds of wood splitting and glass smashing, the officer made his way back toward the R.V "he's dangerous" I managed to whisper shout at his back just as a deafening howl broke the silence if the late evening air. With Jake busy dealing with the police now was my chance and I took it, I half ran half stumbled like I had too much to drink towards the lights of the small nearby town, I kept to the alleys and back roads, slipping in through the back door of a laundromat thankful it was empty.

I find my way to a small bathroom in the back that has a box full of lost and found items, I waste no time stripping down and splashing myself with water in hope to wash off the familiar scent of Jake to throw him off, I hastily dressed in clothes from the box being sure to keep my hood up and my hair tucked neatly inside.

I wanted to head toward a nearby bar surely there would be a phone I could use or someone who would be able to or willing to help me but I didn't even make it half way down the street when I had to stop and throw up into the bushes. I made it this far still drugged up I can make it further I hoped.

Once my stomach was empty I backed up into an alley sliding down the wall next to a dumpster. I couldn't give up he was sure to find me here but I needed to rest the sweet nothingness of sleep beckoning me. I let my mind wonder back to home back to Emmet lying in bed with him wrapped in his arms. I could do it, I could find my way back to him back to my home if not for me than for him and my family. I forced myself further down the road until my head started spinning with nothing left in my stomach the only thing I could do now was dry heave, a few bar patrons passed me by but must of thought that I was just a little too drunk and carried on their merry way. I crawled my way to a shop doorway and pulled my knees close to my chest willing the tremors that had over taken my body to stop. I let my head drop to my knees and welcomed the familiarity of sleep take over.

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