Making enemies

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Zack drove us all to the nearby lake for the party which actually turned out to be blonde bitches eighteenth, Zack couldn't control himself and told me how she hadn't seen Emmet all day as she wanted everyone to witness as their bond kicked in? Emmie rolled her eyes at this and said she wouldn't count on it, it turns out Emmet and Lola had been dating for 3 years, but he never saw it as something serious or long term so of course Lola deluded herself into believing they are true mates and destined to be together, barf...

With music blaring and a few small bonfires lining the small beach the drinks were flowing and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, everyone turned to stare as we made our way to the centre bonfire where we spotted Amy chatting away to some cute guy, I knew they were staring at Emmie in her tight blue dress that showed off her curves perfectly, Zack decided to wear ripped Jean's and a  tight white t-shirt while I played it safe with my three quarter black jeans and v-neck tank top that showed my cleavage perfectly, I felt happy and comfortable being around these guys something that I hadn't felt since my mom passed.

A red convertible pulled up soon after we arrived and Emmet made his way onto the beach with two other guys one short with black hair and the other slightly taller than the first with ashy blonde hair that looked about the same age, everyone seemed to pause and watch as he approached Lola, she spun around smiling and then kept looking between Emmet and the guy with dark hair, her face dropped and everyone close by gasped, Emmet looked slightly pleased as he and the blonde guy made their way towards us, looking over his shoulder I could see Lola was in shock while the guy was speaking hurriedly to her, "oh my gosh" Zack looked like he was loving this, "hey Sean" Emmie greeted the blonde guy as Emmet sat next to me, "surprised you made it princess" he said nudging my shoulder "I for sure thought I killed you off today" he was mocking me "oh honey I'm not as fragile as you think" I laced it with sarcasm and he just grinned in response, we all sat drinking and chatting for what felt like hours with Lola sitting across from us with the guy who is clearly her mate, she kept throwing daggers my way and seemed to be downing any kind of drink that was offered to her. Emmie was talking with Sean while Zack and Amy had disappeared down the beach together, Emmet bumped my shoulder again to get my attention, "you know you have training tomoorow right" he smirked at me, wait what?.. I nearly choked on my beer as he said it which earned me another death glare from Lola while Emmet seemed to be laughing uncontrollably, I smacked his arm playfully hoping he was joking about training, next thing I knew I was being tackled to the ground, looking up at my assailant I saw it was Lola, she griped my hair with one hand and punched me in the side of the head with the other pain exploded in my temple, if this bitch wanted to fight dirty then I can fight dirty, grabbing a handful of sand I threw it in her eyes as she stumbled off me stunned I didn't waste anytime before swinging myself upwards letting my knee connect with her nose as I came to my feet, the bitch growled at me and made to dive at me again when Emmet grabbed her around the waist holding her back, she looked at him pleased with herself then he passed her over to her mate "take her home Blane she's drunk" he looked at her with disgust as my vision started to cloud over and I felt myself falling, strong arms caught me before I could hit the ground and everything went black.

Finally pulling myself away from the fog I pried my eyes open to a bright room, hushed voices to my left grabbed my attention and turning towards them I groaned as a sharp pain made its way through my temple, "hey don't move just yet, you took a pretty powerful hit and lived to tell the tale" the the voice was soft yet authoritative, "thank you doctor, I'll make sure she stays still" Emmet replied, oh great he was here too, "where are we?" I asked in a small voice, "the pack hospital, Doc says we can leave in an hour, but you might have a concussion" he sat in the small chair next to the bed, slowly I turned on my side to really look at him, "Emmet are you ok?" he looked at me like id gone crazy, maybe I had? "you're the one that just got hit in the head with a knuckle duster and your asking me if I'm ok?" he shook his head slightly, "wait a knuckle duster?" no wonder it felt like my head was going to split when she hit me, "I'm sorry Ava" he looked down at his lap as he said it, "you have nothing to be sorry for, it's not your fault your ex is a psychopath" I put emphasis on the word psychopath, he looked up at me then "well she's Blane's problem now, the poor guy isn't going to know what hit him" a small smile spread across his lip's. It felt like forever before the Doctor said I could leave, I tried not to make too much noise creeping up to my room at 3am with a head injury but my Dad was waiting for me in my room, to say I was a little shocked to see him sitting on my bed looking worried was an understatement so you could imagine my surprise when he rushed toward me and pulled me into a tight embrace, I didn't say anything I just let him hold me, he slowly pulled away looking at me from arms length, he sucked in a breath as his eyes found my face, my left eye was swollen and bruised and I had a small gash above my eyebrow "she will pay for this" he growled "I don't think she actually meant it she was drunk" was I standing up for her? he just looked at me with sympathy "she has to pay for her actions drunk or not that is not a good enough reason to attack you" he looked angry yet hurt at the same time, he finally let go of me and walked towards the door, "Dad wait" I held my breath waiting for him to look at me when he did he looked like he might cry, this is the first time I've ever called him Dad "I don't want to make a big deal out of it, I can handle it" I said in a rush, he looked lost for words, "get some rest Ava, we will talk about this tomorrow" he closed the door behind him leaving me standing there staring at it, sighing I decided a quick shower was needed to remove the blood that was plastering my hair to my face, I fell asleep with ease that night.  

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