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My head feels fuzzy, I can't get my eyes to open they are still heavy with sleep, my whole body is numb yet aching at the same time and as I try to force my eyes open and sit up I only manage to twitch a little. I'm not sure how long it's been since Jake tricked me and drugged me. Days? No weeks, I think weeks. It doesn't really matter anymore all I can think about is that I feel further away from my mate bond and link then before.

He switched from giving me an ejection to force feeding me pills the day after he took me, they didn't make me pass out as quickly but they did make me sluggish and weak. He never touched me in a sexual way, like now he was just spooning me on the hard bed, he kept saying he would wait until I want him to, like that would ever happen. But I was running out of options, I had hoped Emmet and my Dad would of found me by now. I came to the decision that I had to try and make him think what he was doing was working, so I could get off these drugs and make my escape. I just hoped that my mate bond and link weren't permanently damaged.

I finally pry my eyes open and slowly drag myself to the edge of the bed, my head spins like it did that time at Amy Stears party in New York when I drank a whole bottle of vodka, Jonas carried me home to his grandad's place and held my hair back as I puked up, he was always playing the protector role, but if it wasn't for him that night, my mom would of killed me if I hadn't of chocked on my own puke first.

Jake stirred behind me as i got to my feet, I instantly sat back down no longer used to standing, he's normally given me another dose by now, maybe I can try and get out of this dam R.V. I jumped as his arms came around my middle and I couldn't help but release a sob as his touch repulsed me, however I didn't pull away like any other time, I'd learned not to move away from him or he would get angry and when he got angry my dosage went up. I couldn't loose anymore time I had to get back to my family, my pack, my mate. I missed Emmet so much the full ache in my heart never leaving me.

He reached across me and grabbed the bottle of pills of the counter, "open up" this time I do move away, "please" I shake my head "I don't like the way it makes me feel" he looks at me curiously, I move toward him placing a hand on his arm "please Jake" his expression softens and he nods lightly "ok we will see how it goes for now". Relief washed over me but I knew that he would eventually make me take it, the only reason he agreed now was because he could see how weak I am.

He carried me to the tiny bathroom so I could clean up, he brushed my hair like he normally did and he spoon fed me porridge as I kept dropping the spoon myself. After he stood behind me and placed a necklace around my neck the sudden contact of the cold, large, heavy locket sent shivers up my spine and I had to fight the urge to rip it off and throw it at him. "Why?" I was shocked to realize I had said it out loud and not in my head, "why what?" He started taking the lid of the pills, "why drug me?" I turn to him slowly so as not to be sick with the movement. He holds my chin and tightens his grip until I open my mouth for him to drop the pill in, "I need to weaken your bond with that mutt" did he really just call Emmet a mutt? I pushed it aside "why not just mark me?" Why the fuck did I just say that? He dropped his hand from my chin and stroked it through his hair, "I can't do that again" did he say he again? "I'm not like other wolves" my head started to spin and I leaned back in my seat "you certainly look like other wolves" he came and sat next to me, I jumped a little but I don't think he noticed. "I used to work for the high council, I was their lead scientist, there was one particular experiment they disagreed with but I ignored them and done it on myself. When they found out they stripped me of my title and kicked me out. They didn't care that I done it to help make us stronger to make us better". The drug was starting to take full effect and I was getting drowsy, "what did you do?" Maybe knowing this will help me to get away. He leaned forward on his knees, "it was 1984, I captured a vampire, they wanted me to study her to find their weakness, I wanted to experiment to gain their strengths" 1984? He didn't look any older than 30 how is that possible? "I age slower, I have impeccable sight and my wolf venom was over taken with their venom" what? Ot was like he read my mind. My vision was getting fuzzy, he slowly slid me down the seat and lay me on my side, "I can't loose you again" as he said it fangs slid out of his mouth, not the long canines of a wolf but the sleek fangs of a vampire.

I slept restlessly then, my normal dreams of being at the lake surrounded by my friends and family, wrapped in Emmet's arms started to turn dark everyone I loved started to disappear one by one to be replaced by cold darkness, a tall figure started to walk towards me fangs prodding into his lower lip, I coward at the sight. I needed to get away, I needed to find my family, I ran into the woods fully aware that he was following me. I tried to change forms but it wouldn't happen, it was like my wolf was in a coma, I carried on running not daring to glance over my shoulder. Then I was standing on the ledge at the peak and I screamed, I screamed out the names of my family of my mate, I begged the moon goddess for help until I was dragged away by the tall figure, unable to move, unable to speak. I could only shake with fear and whimper at my own weakness.

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