Back to school

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Waking up in my new room for the first time felt strange but also familiar like I had always lived here it was so odd. The smell of bacon and eggs made its way into my room as I showered, suppose it was time to face the music and my Bio Dad, taking a deep breath I swung the door opem and slowly made my way down the stairs, I could hear them talking softly as I followed the smell, stepping into the large kitchen I couldn't help but be admired by the large stove and marble island it was like one of the perfect kitchens you only saw in magazines and movies, my Dads head snapped up on my approach, I felt like a small child under his gaze, staring at my feet awkwardly, "keep your head raised Ava, your the betas daughter, we don't show weakness" His voice firm but his expression softened as I looked at him, "come sit down honey, you must be starving" Mary patted the seat next to her at the island, I nodded and perch myself on the edge of the seat as she loaded my plate up with eggs and bacon. My stomach was grumbling loudly and I didn't waste anytime and dug in as soon as Mary put the plate in front of me.

They watched me curiously as I inhaled my food, feeling a little embarrassed I wiped my mouth as I took my last mouthful, Mary took my plate to the sink as my Dad turned to me, "there a few things and rules you need to know before you start school on Monday", wait what did he say? "did you just say school?" I asked in shock, he scratched his chin "well yes you are only seventeen after all, you need to finish your education" he looked between me and Mary who had paused her cleaning, "but I thought once we had our first change we didn't mingle too much with humans?" Mom had home schooled me from thirteen, as per pack rules to help ensure we don't change forms in front of any unsuspecting humans, he cleared his throat "well firstly, you are now in a small town pack, and secondly there are only werewolves in the town" he paused as my eyes bugged out at him "so school starts Monday, 8.30am until 3.30pm... so rules, rule one no changing form in public, we may be a wolf town but humans pass through from time to time, rule two, you have a problem with a pack member you tell them and settle it however it needs settled , rule three respect the bond, rule four the last rule all wolves must complete combat training by their eighteenth birthday" he looked a little worried at that, I gulped "I have three months to complete combat training?" I started to panic and I think Mary could tell as she rushed to me, placing an arm over my shoulders, "its ok honey, you will have help" she sounded so positive "Tom tell her what Alpha Zane said" she urged my Dad, "you will have the normal training as well as extra training from one of the best in the pack, besides you have my blood, you will do just fine" he chugged the rest of his coffee and got to his feet, " I'll be back for dinner" he kissed Mary softly and patted my head, I scowled at him as I watched him leave.

I spent the rest of the weekend unpacking and trying to calm my nerves about starting a new school, watching the way Mary and my Dad moved together like they were in perfect sinc with eachother I finally understood why Mom left and I respected her just a little bit more, you could see the love they held for eachother in just the smallest of touches and simplest of looks, my Dad had a stern man in charge expression most of the time then as soon as he would look towrads Mary his face would soften and his eyes would look at her with wonder and awe and that made me excited and scared for when or if I ever find my mate.

Monday morning came too quickly, staring at myself in the mirror I smiled at my choice of outfit, black skinny jeans, dark grey hoodie and my black boots with silver buckles, its not a fancy outfit so it was perfect. I started my walk to the school with my music blaring hoping the day will go by without everyone noticing me. But of course that didn't happen, walking through the halls to find the office all eyes turned toward me and I could see a few people whispering or pointing at me, I pulled my hood up and kept my head down wishing the ground would open up and swallow me whole. Spotting a sign for the office i took a sharp left turn and collided with someone, falling in a pile a heard a low growl, panicked I backed up until my back hit the lockers "sorry" I mumbled offering my hand to the blonde glaring at me on the floor, she smacked it away getting to her feet unaided, everyone around us seemed to be holding their breath, shit, just what I needed on my first day, make enemy's with the bitch of the school, "there you are" a tall brunette made her way to me, linking her arm through mine, "I thought you had gotten lost" she started to pull me away "sorry Lola" she called over her shoulder to the blonde that looked like she was trying to kill me with her eyes, we rounded another corner and stopped just outside the office door, "Hi, I'm Emmie by the way, and that was Lola, she's thinks she runs the school" she offered her hand, I shook it eyeing her suspiciously, "Ava" I responded "erm thanks for saving me back there" she shrugged "well I couldn't just stand there and watch her murder you" she smiled sweetly as we entered the office together, the receptionist looked too old to still be working and she took so long to get my papers together that the bell had already rang by the time Emmie showed me to my first class.

Thankfully the rest of the day went by without any more death glares, Emmie took me under wing and introduced me to her small group of friends, Zack was my favourite so far, he was openly gay and by far the best dressed but he also had the best sense of humour you could ask for in a friend and then there was Amy, she was quite and reserved but she spoke her mind when she needed to and I could respect a girl like that, all in all I could say that my first day at castle high went pretty well.

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