Two Alphas

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Emmet insisted that I stay with him, he wanted to be as close to me as possible and what can I say I couldn't blame him, the idea of leaving him made my heart ache. My nerves were all over the place, I'd just found my mate, the man who killed my mom found me and threatened war if he didn't get me, the high councils ambassadors wanted to hand me right over to him, ugh they were so annoying more like lap dogs than wolves they may have radiated power but they were weak minded and then to top my day off I had called my old Alpha my best friend growing up who I hadn't actually spoken to since my Moms funeral, speaking to Jonas had awoken jealousy within Emmet however that did ease as I explained how I knew him and why I got away with calling him by his name and not Alpha, Emmet could sense my inner turmoil and rushed to me embracing me in his arms my new favorite place to be for sure! I slept restlessly that night my only comfort from Emmet and his t-shirt that was acting as my night clothes. It was around 2am when my phone started pinging, unable to sleep anyway I rolled over and peered at the screen.

Jonas: I'm glad you called
          We just arrived in town

          Message me when your up

Ava: it was the least I could do, who came with you? You should probably meet with Alpha Zane first thing.

Jonas: at least half the pack. Will I see you tomorrow?

Ava: for sure, actually I have something to tell you and a few people I want you to meet.

I stared at my phone for another ten minutes until my eye lids started to feel heavy.

Electricity was running up and down my body leaving a burning heat in it's wake, I was hot, too hot! I opened my eyes to notice that i had somehow wrapped myself around Emmet in my sleep, he was smiling at me playing with my hair "good morning princess"  he pressed a kiss on my forehead before I pulled myself off of him "I like waking up next to you" I felt my cheeks burn at his words. It took forever to get ready for the day what with Emmet steeling kisses between every move I made, I didn't mind really if anything I kept hoping for more, I had to borrow a top from Emmie though luckily we were very similar in size. Emmet had gone down to the kitchen ahead of me and I practically skipped the whole way there, finding him leaning against the counter, slipping into his arms I felt content, he smiled down at me and I went on to my tip toes, taking a large bite out of the toast he was holding in his hand he chuckled "God your amazing" I didn't reply I just nuzzled into his chest.

I felt Emmet stiffen slightly and I lifted my head to see what had caused it and there standing in the door way was Alpha Jonas and his Beta Connor, a smile slowly spread across Jonas face as he recognized me. I turned out of Emmet's arms, he kept his hand on the small of my back as I stepped toward my former Alpha and childhood best friend. Before I could get far Jonas picked me up in a tight embrace "Ava you look amazing" he said as he set me down. I exchanged air kisses with Connor before turning back to Jonas, "it's so nice to see you both" I grabbed Emmet's hand pulling him to my side "Jonas, Connor this is Emmet my mate" something flashed across Jonas eyes that I did not recognize, he held his hand out to Emmet "it's a pleasure to meet you" Emmet smiled broadly "the pleasure is mine Alpha Grey, how was your journey?" I gestured for us all to sit at the table that was tucked neatly into a corner.
Jonas didn't respond until we were all seated, me practically in Emmet's lap as he hadn't let me go after shaking Jonas's hand "drawling as expected" I smiled tentatively while rubbing slow soothing circles onto the back of Emmet's hand, "ah wonderful you're all here" Alpha Zane's voice boomed around the kitchen, "good morning Alpha Grey" we all stood as Alpha approached us, Jonas and Connor bowed their heads in a show of respect "Alpha Roberts, thank you for allowing us to help" Alpha sat down opposite Jonas "you might not say that after tomorrow" we spent the whole morning talking over everything that had happened with Jake and the high council ambassadors, more people joined us along the way including the lap dogs themselves, my Dad had a whole army strategy planned out for the coming battle and it was a little overwhelming to say the least.

Alpha moved the impromptu meeting to his office and my head was pounding with everything already discussed as everyone got up to follow Alpha I spoke to Emmet via link "I think I'll sit this one out, I'll go find Emmie" he squeezed my hand reassuringly and kissed me on the head before following the rest of the group while I made my way upstairs. To my relief Emmie was exactly where I expected her to be, I found her and Zack sprawled out on her bed watching friends and I joined them practically jumping on the bed to wedge myself in the middle, "you alright?" Zack asked squeezing my knee "yeah, there's so much tension in that room that I had to get out of there" Emmie paused the show "spill" so I told them about the awkward introductions and the way Emmet kept looking at Jonas in disgust and the way Jonas's eyes kept flicking back to me, "I'm telling you it should be a crime to have more than one Alpha in the same room "what's that smell?" Zack sat bolt up right making Emmie jump a little. He slowly made his way to the door, a gentle knock sounded, Zack opened the door almost instantly revealing a stunned Connor on the other side, I gasped looking between them "what's going on?" Emmie whispered into my ear "their mates" a happy tear rolled down my cheek as they introduced themselves.
"Ava is Connor with you?" Emmet was using the link again "sort of, he's Zack's mate, they just met" I could feel a rush of pride and joy come over the bond, Emmet was happy for them just as I was, Zack came rushing back over to us pulling his converse back on his as he did "I'm just going for a walk with ... with Connor" the blush in his cheeks had me blushing too, we just smiled up at him like the teenager's we are.

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