Potions and pain

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It's been three weeks since the battle three weeks since my mate was taken away from me. The high council refused to help us further calling back their lap dogs as Ava called them, they seemed reluctant to help before the battle let alone after but at least we avoided an all put war.

Myself and Tom had vowed not to rest until we had found Ava and killed the so called wolf who saw fit to not only kill her mother but to also take her away form me, he had to pay. And that is exactly how and why I ended up here.

I take a deep breath and straighten my back bringing myself to full height before ringing the bell to the door I stood before. I was a little surprised to say the least when a pretty young redhead had opened the door to say the least, I can't say exactly who or what I was expecting but she looked so normal so nice. She offered her hand "hell, I'm Madame Rose" I sniffed the air between us just to be sure she was really what she claimed to be, "Emmet" I shoot her hand gently but firm. She nodded at ushered me, immediately entering what looked like a cross between a lab and an office.

I couldn't truly believe myself that I was here seeking the help of a which but it had been too long already I need to find my mate so when Jonas mentioned Madame Rise may be able to help I didn't hesitate not once, I did however question his and my sanity. I don't really have much more to loose though do I? "So Jonas said you are in need of a locator spell" she frame it as a question more like a fact but I answered anyway "yes my mate" she held up her hand to stop me "if she left you she has her reasons, I wont help bring her back to somewhere she doesn't want to be" my boil started to boil, how dare she insinuate that Ava was running away from me! "She didn't choose to leave, she was taken against her will" I let my anger color, my voice, "how you can be so sure?" Why wouldn't this woman listen? I was getting angry "because the wolf who took her killed her mom and tried to start a war with our pack, she didn't respond she just started grabbing jars from shelves and and muttering to herself. Her head snapped up in my direction "is your mate bond still intact?" Oh so now she wanted to help? "Yes but it's sort of distant, I know it's there but I can't reach it" she started mixing ingredients together "nor your link I presume" again it wasn't framed like a question, she poured the mixture into a glass bottle and pulled out out a chair, "now we find your mate" I looked her curiously and point to the bottle "what's that for?" She smiled sadly "the only that can weaken or break a mate bond is wolfsbane" holy shit that mother fucker has been drugging her?! And with wolfsbane of all things, a low growl rumbled from chest "sit" she taps the back of the chair "now this will hurt you both" I hesitate not wanting to cause Ava any pain but feel resided it may be the only way to find her.

I take the seat feeling a small child about to receive a scolding, Madame Rose stand behind me and places just her finger tips to my temple chanting low and a burning pain spreads out from her finger tips before gaining momentum and intensity, I clench my fists at the pain not willing to cry out in pain or appear weak, lights started dancing in my vision and the pain gets so intense I feel close to passing out. The moment Madame Rise removed her fingers from my temple a low throb took the place of the searing pain, I clutched at my head before getting to my feet, while she was scribbling away at a piece of paper, "you must hurry, this is where you will find her" she thrust the paper and the bottle into my hand, "insure she drinks it all" I falter for a only a moment "thank you" she pushed me toward the door "hurry young Alpha, your mate needs you" I let her guide me outside and mentally shook myself, I had to get to Ava.

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