Playing Games

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Zack hadn't been gone five minutes when I felt Emmet's anger wash over me through the bond and we heard shouting coming form the floor below. Rushing down the stairs a loud bang sounded the sound of wood splitting filling the air. I glanced nervously at Emmie before opening the door to Alphas office and came face to face with not just Emmet squaring off to the ambassadors but Jonas. I immediately placed myself in front of them, placing a hand on My Mates chest I felt him relax under my touch. He still looked like he was ready to murder someone. Jonas was growling next to him, I gripped his arm until he looked at me "enough" his eyes kept darting from me to the ambassadors behind me. I turned to Emmet his eyes softened further, I watched as they both took a step back their shoulders relaxing "you want us to hand her over to him and yet she's the one saving you right now" the venom in Emmet's voice even had me gasping. So the lap dogs hadn't changed their tune just yet. Alpha sighed sitting back in his seat "it doesn't matter how many times you say it, we wont let him take her" a crazy idea popped into my head then "maybe we should" everyone except the lap dogs looked at me liked I'd grown an extra head. Emmet pulled me closer to him instantly "no" I looked up at him with a small smile "I don't mean actually hand me over to him, just use me as bait" Alpha seemed to be considering it my Dad didn't even look too repulsed by the idea. "we could take him by surprise and hopefully avoid a war altogether" I shrugged and leaned into my mate. Only the lap dogs were 100% comfortable with the idea, my Dad, Emmet and Jonas took it in turns to display their dislike even Alpha wasn't completely convinced. I sat in the corner of the office watching them argue and plan then argue some more,  a tension headache taking deep root had me wincing until eventually I gave in went to lie on Emmet's bed breathing his calming scent.

My happy bubble had been popped when Alpha announced that school would go ahead as normal from the next day, we were on the brink of war and I had to go school. It made me laugh how crazy my life had become.

Sitting in the back of our English class I let my mind wonder to Emmet, not realizing I had reached out to him via link "Hey princess" I smiled to myself not paying any attention to what the teacher was saying "I wish I didn't have to be here" the bell rang signaling lunch break "only a few more hours, and I'll have you back in my arms"  the thought of being in my favorite place made me super happy.

Emmie decided to go into town for lunch with Amy and Zack hadn't turned up today leaving me on my own I sighed and tried not to let my mind wonder too much. The rest of the day passed in a blur. By the time the bell rang to signal the end of the day I hadn't seen Emmie return, I ran to catch up with Amy in the parking lot "Hey Amy, did Emmie come back to school with you?" she slowed her walking "no I came back early as I needed to get a bit of filing done" I started to head to my car "I must of missed her, thanks Amy" she smiled sweetly and continued on her way. I threw my bag into the back of my car and started the engine, before I could even put it into gear my phone started ringing, I breathed a sigh of relief when I spotted Emmie's name on the screen "Hey Emmie, did you..." I gasped at the male voice laughing on the other end "Emmie can't come to the phone right now but I'll pass on the message" I felt sick to my stomach as I recognized the voice "Jake don't you hurt her" he laughed again "well I will happily let you take her place" I heard a scream and panic and fear ran through me "where are you?" the screaming stopped "west entrance to the lake, come alone or we'll take her instead" another scream. Shit!

I let my head fall onto the steering wheel in frustration, I could call Emmet or Jonas or my Dad they would gather a small team and rush to get her but I felt it in my core that if I done that we would never see her again. I decided it was best to do as he asked but as soon as Emmie was safe away from him I would link to Emmet and fill him in, knowing full well he wouldn't rest until he found me. It looked like my plan was going ahead with or without him.

I couldn't stop my hands from shaking as I drove to the lake, a sickening feeling rolling around my stomach. I parked in the same spot as Sunday night and made my way to the lake, I ran the whole way there coming to an abrupt halt when I found the beach was empty, I looked around in blind panic as my phone rang once more. "Good girl" he sounded excited "now drop your key's and walk east from your current position" was he watching me? I dropped my keys on top a large boulder and headed east, "now keep going until you come across a clearing" the line went dead and I started sprinted once more, this fucker was playing games with me. I burst into the clearing to find a blood soaked Emmie lying at the feet some half giant looking man with a big red beard, his fists clenched at his sides. Leaning up against a nearby tree was Jake just casually examining his finger nails. Emmie let out a whimper and I moved toward her, "not another step honey" my eyes snapped up to Jake "what have you done to her" the guilt washed over me none of this would of happened if I had of just stayed in new York, "oh Richard was just having some fun" I shook my head "let her go" my voice sounded as small as I felt "come closer honey we will let her go once you are mine" the thought of being close to him revolted him but I came to stand in front of him none the less. His hand came up to caress my cheek I flinched at his touch "you have me let her go" I needed her to be safe so I could call the cavalry, he motioned his head toward Richard who stepped away from the still whimpering Emmie, my eyes never moved from her shaking form and I felt a sharp sting in the side of my neck, I looked to Jake with panic as my limbs became heavy and my head starting to spin, he pulled me towards him I lost all balance and ability to talk let alone move. He dipped is head into the nape of my neck breathing in deeply before bringing his slips to mine, I wanted to push him away to scream but I couldn't do anything I was numb, I couldn't even feel my mate link and that panicked me further. I had just walked myself right into my worst nightmare as Jake lifted me into his arms and carried me away from Emmie leaving her bleeding on the forest floor.

I passed out at some point, from the drug or the panic or pure revolution I felt towards this man  when I woke up I was in a small space, my hands were tied to my ankles and there was tape over my mouth, my head still felt hazy and I couldn't reach my mate link, the low rumbling of an engine and a sudden jolt made me realize where I was. This sick bastard had me tied up in the closet of his R.V. I couldn't help but feel stupid and weak in that moment, I should have called Emmet I should of told my Alpha that he had taken Emmie but my dumb ass had thought I could handle it on my own. How wrong was I?  

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