Unlikely rescuers

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My ears were ringing from the impact of the airbags, my nose broken for sure. My head was throbbing incessantly as I tried to pull my seatbelt out of it's latch, I faintly heard glass smashing and before I knew my seatbelt had been cut and I was being pulled out of the window, grazing my back against the jagged shards of glass I winced internally. As my vision cleared I looked up into the eyes of captor, I struggled against him with whatever strength i had left to posses. A few humans that were milling about the town rushed to the commotion of the crash a few held cellphones to their ears and as i struggled against the grip that Jake had over me a burley man with a shaved head and tattoo across his throat came forward to take me from his arm's, Jake growled at him in response and the mans eye's widened. Luckily for me it didn't go any further as Emmet wrestled Jake away from me and the two of the m went into a full fist fight in front of the crowd of humans before us. Emmet was an Alpha he was stronger and faster by birth right but his own words Jake was a hybrid. Panic ripped through me at the thought of what he could do to my mate, I'd heard horror stories of vampires and wolves clashing and I couldn't stand by idlily as i watched this monster hurt my mate.

Throwing myself in between them the moment a gap appeared I shoved my hands out either side of me and stopped them in their tracks, placing my palms over both of their hearts. Emmet looked at me with both admiration and shock while Jake looked still ready to rip someone's head off, I turned to Emmet first "do you trust me?" he looked taken aback by my question "always" I gave him a small smile and turned my full attention to Jake. I have no idea what possessed me or why i thought it would work but i had to try, I pulled his chin to turn his face to me wanting his eyes on me and no one else, "I'm not her Jake, I never was... I never will be" he glanced up at Emmet again as I took the locket from around my throat, I placed it in his palm, "It's not your fault that she's gone, but I can't replace her" he looked turn glancing between the locket, Emmet and me. I took a step closer so there was only a breath between us "I forgive you Jake" that got his attention "and she forgives you too, she never blamed you for any of it" I had no idea if it was true but just saying felt so right, I could see tears pricking in the backs of eye's as sirens and flashing lights came speeding our way, he looked ready to fight to the death and I grabbed his hand shaking my head, "It's ok" instead he tried to bolt in the opposite direction, a gunshot went of and I felt the bullet Wizz past my head so closely as it hit him in the back and he fell forward landing on his hands and knees as another shot went off leaving more ringing in my ears. All of the fight left me then and I felt my knees give way, Emmet catching me before I could hit the floor, two hooded figures made it into my line of vision and i snarled in anger as the pushed their hoods back to reveal the white blonde hair and piercing blue eyes of the council's lap dogs before my vision turned black once more.

I woke up in an extremely bright that felt familiar yet new at the same time, sitting up I looked around recognizing it as a hospital of some sort that had similarities of the pack hospital. I looked around and spotted a robe similar to that of the council ambassadors hanging on the back of the door, I climbed out of bed and put it thankful for it as I came to realize id been dressed in a hospital gown.  Slowly making my way down the hall hoping to find someone "Emmet where are you?" I said it in my not expecting a response after being drugged for weeks on end, "Princess you're awake?" so when his response came through the link load and clear i dropped to the floor in tears, tears of joy, tears of sorrow and tears of longing. I don't know how long I sat on that floor crying at the fact that my mate bond and link were fully intact but when i felt Emmet pulling me into his arms fresh tears sprung to life. He carried back to the room and just as he sat on the bed with in his lap the door flung open, my Dad, Mary and Alpha Zane bursting into the room. I reached out my Dad as he drew near and Emmet let him pull me from his lap, I had never been so happy to see him. It took a while several hugs all round until I was able to put a stopper in the tap of my tears. I happily snuggled into Emmet's chest once again, "where are we?" A nurse came in then smiling sweetly as she took the notes from the end of my bed, "the capitol" Alpha responded, "it turns out the high council new more than they were letting on" I looked toward my Dad in the hopes that he would enlighten me on the rest. He sighed running a hand through his hair and I noticed how much weight he'd lost, deep crescents under his eyes, my heart ached. "Jake, well first of all that's not his real name" he looked to Alpha for permission before continuing, "his real name is Augustus Sync, he was a leading scientist for the high council in the early eighties" he cleared his throat, "he was stripped of his title and power and forced out of the council and pack when he proposed uniting vampires and werewolves together, his experiments started to get risky and dangerous and a few young wolves died in his care, he was cast out and the high council turned their backs on him". Emmet pulled me closer to him before finishing the story "after a fire at his property in 86 they believed him to be dead, until New York, your mom recognized him from her studies in school on his work, that's why he killed her but when he saw the picture of you she had on her, he saw you looked like his Mate Abbi. The high council lost track of him and the main reason they refused to help in the battle he organized was because they knew he wouldn't be there". that was  a lot to take in all at once but there was only one question i had now, "how did they find him in the end?", Alpha shifted his weight slightly "they had been tracking him but were always an hour or two behind until you made a run for it". I looked up into Emmet's eye's, "what happened to the police officer's?" he kissed the top of my head, "what police officers?". I spent the next few recounting everything for them down to every little detail before being led to a large conference room and recounting for the high council themselves. When they had found us they had shot him with darts to nock him out, he was set for execution tomorrow for the deaths of the children from the eighties, the man he had killed to fake his death and for the death of my mother, though justice was going to be served I couldn't help the sinking pit of dread I felt in my stomach. I had been here for three weeks, I had been unconscious the whole time yet sleep still called to me...

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