A declaration of war

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Emmet stood in front of me protectively, pushing my back up against to trunk of my car, there are at least eight wolves closing in around us the largest wolf stalking towards us nuzzle close to the ground growling, why do things like this keep happening to me? The three largest wolves come forward and start to allow their forms to change back to human not caring to hide any inch of their bodies, I glanced between them and as my eyes landed on the tall slim man in the middle and stiffened instantly, Emmet sensed my reaction bringing an arm around his back to clutch at my hand lending me his strength and fierce determination took then, stepping around Emmet ignoring the look of pure shock that crossed his faced, I stand looking up into the faced of the wolf, the man that killed my Mom, Emmet growls behind me a warning to the other wolves to back off and I shiver as I feel him change forms instantly "Ava" I can hear the fear in his voice and jump back a little when I realise he just spoke to me not using the pack link but our mate link for the very first time "get behind me" did he just his Alpha tone on me? The man I recognised was glancing rapidly between us and a manic grin spread across his face "I'll tell you the same thing I told the pretty brunette in new York" he took a step closer to us then turning his body toward Emmet "you can't hide forever, she will be mine" wait what? I felt Emmets anger rise as if it were my own. I still hadn't finished processing what he had just said when he changed back to a wolf and lunged toward Emmet, I shake myself mentally allowing the change to take control as my wolf sets free ripping my new beautiful dress to shreds but before the change can fully form I'm being pushed and pinned to the ground, I wince at the impact and wiggle beneath the black wolf holding me down when his weight is suddenly lifted of me and I scramble to my feet I frantically look around Emmet is to my right as the wolves surrounding us start to close the distance "we can't take tem all" panic thickly laced my voice "Ava you need to get out of here" has he lost his damn mind? "no, I won't leave you, you will be killed for sure" I started to panic, I sense his sigh "you heard him Ava he wants you, I cant be worrying about protecting you  while trying to kill and not be killed" my stomach sank at the realisation of  his word's "I can't lose when I only just found you", I was a distraction that could kill him "I'm coming back" he nudged me lightly before charging at one of the wolves nocking him in to another sending them hurtling to the floor "Run Ava" I didn't hesitate to run past him through the opening he just made however a stupid and reckless idea flashed in my mind and I found myself acting on it instantly I turn back pouncing on the wolf nearest me nipping at their ears and quickly tug on the tail of another before darting into the trees heading in the direction of the road, I don't have to check that they are following me I can hear the padding of their paws on the soft ground, low beams of light up ahead of me signal that the road is right there, I dart on to it the  just before more headlights round the corner and I carry on running to where I don't know town maybe?

The shrill sound of tires screeching made me spin around right as the two wolves were diving for me I ducked low and ran back towards the cars relief washing over me as my Dad and Alpha Zane make their way towards me kicking of their shoes and unbuttoning their shirts as they let the change take hold, they ran straight past me and straight into fight with the wolves who had chased me here, I can see Mary slowly get out of the car holding a picnic blanket and I make my way toward her to just as I hear a whimper and a snapping sound behind me, my Dad had killed one of the wolves and the other changed form back to human and a small girl knelt before Alpha  Zane trembling with fear, Mary rushed forward wrapping the blanket around the girl and leading her to the car she looked no older than fifteen still a child, a sharp pain slices across my shoulder and I wince my Dads head snaps in my direction "Emmet?" I panic that he doesn't respond straight away "are you alright princess" I sigh internally "I found our dads, are you ok?" Mary is strapping the still shaking girl into the car as Alpha Zane and my Dad approach me still in wolf form "what happened?" Alpha Zane spoke through the pack link "we were surrounded, Emmet is still there" I had to get back to him "how many are there?" he sounds all serouis and scary "erm at least six are still there" that's if no one else turned up to join the fight "the man who killed my mom seemed to be leading them" I noticed the way my Dad winced as I mentioned my Mom's death it made sense they never hated each other after all Dad just found his mate "get in the car with Mary" he started toward the treeline "NO" I bolted past them running the same path back to the west car park, two wolves came to run either side of me I knew who they were instantly having run with them before Sean and Zack, a sharp pain erupts in my side and I howl in pain it surges me forward more determined to get back to Emmet I burst through the trees right next to my car and I'm instantly frozen the smell of fresh blood insulting my senses a flash of golden brown fur grabbed my attention and I ran to follow it "I can't let him live" I could feel the pure hatred and determination seeping out of Emmet and into me "we won't" my response seemed to bring him to his senses as I came into a clearing he launched through t he air landing right in front of me, he bought his head down until our foreheads were touching relief washed over me as I realised he hadn't sustained any life threatening injuries and the ones he did get were healing already, we made our way back the car park where we found our fathers, Sean, Zack and few other pack members.

Emmet spoke to the pack through the link "they cornered us and threatened Ava, their leader of sorts claimed nothing and no one will stop him from taking her even if it means war and war is what he wants" many eyes held shock, Alpha Zane jumped onto the roof of my car then "they threaten our pack our family, they threaten to take one of our own, Ava may not have grown up in this pack but her Father is the Beta and her Mother was pack born, she left in honour of the bond" his voice was echoing in my mind "now they want her daughter, they want war, IT ENDS TODAY!" he howled then, the loudest and longest howl I had ever heard and we all joined in our voices blending together, I look around and notice nearly half the pack are present now. 

We head in the direction that our scouts believe their camp to be Alpha Zane at the head of the group as expected my Dad to his right and Emmet on his left, the rest of us following closely behind, we hadn't taken more then a few steps when Emmet spoke in my mind "what was the first lesson on formations?" oh shit It hadn't occurred to me before now I should be at his side, mates always stay together their link and bond can come in handy when in battle and it also means they don't have to look far to find them and risk being killed by the distraction, I pick up my pace coming forward ignoring the turning heads and curious galnces in my direction and take my place at his side.

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