Chapter 3

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The man I messaged on Instagram was really him. It was Launce.

He just confirmed it. After eating on the patio with my parents, I went straight to my room and checked my phone. I immediately saw his reply on Instagram which made me feel... thrilled but weird at the same time. I was dazed, I couldn't think properly. All I'm feeling was... something weird in my system, in my stomach.

Launce is indeed a perfect man. He's good-looking, rich and.. I don't know.. Hot, maybe? I mean, yes, he is hot. I saw his topless photos online but there's just something more to him.


Hi! :) Thank you again for attending my party. Thanks also to your mom for my gown. You guys are so thoughtful and generous. I'm hoping to see you and your mom soon. :)

It has been more than 30 minutes and he hasn't replied yet. Is he at work? Is he busy?

I shrugged off that thought and continued with my online enrollment.

Months have already passed and it is now my first day in school as a college student. I enrolled in a fashion school and took up fashion design. I want to be like Launce's mother. I want to own my own atelier and to be a fashion designer.

Speaking of Launce, he never replied to my message. Part of me was hurt because I was hoping that we'd communicate more and be friends but I guessed I was all wrong. He's way older than me. Magkaiba ang takbo ng isip at ang buhay namin. Also, he wants a woman like Clarrise. Clarrise is a tall and sexy woman, she's also very smart and mature. No wonder why they dated for months.

The school was fun. I waited in the school's lobby for my friend, Chrysan. She just graduated college. She went here to get some of her important files in this school.

"Kaleigh!" She screamed and went to me. We both hugged each other tightly.

"Hey, how are you?" I said to her.

"I'm great, I'm fine." She answered. "Tara, let's eat. I'm starving." She pulled me out of the lobby to eat somewhere else.

Chrysan is years older than me but we are really good friends. My parents and her parents are good friends, that's why I know her and that's why we became best friends.

We're finished eating and just waiting for our drivers to arrive.

"Ano pala ang ginawa mo buong bakasyon mo?" Tanong ni Chrysan saakin.

"I just stayed at home. My parents were always out of town, they're busy. How 'bout you?"

"Wala, I'm looking for a job already." She looked down. She suddenly looked sad.

"Hey, are you okay?" I touched her arm.

She gave me a small smile, "I'm fine, don't worry about me." She sighed before speaking again, "How's your first day? May friends ka na ba? May kablock ka bang gwapo?"

I nearly rolled my eyes, "Wala 'no. Wala naman akong lalaking blockmate. Lahat kami ay babae."

"How about other courses? Sa archi? MMA? Wala rin?" She asked.

Wala rin. Wala akong type sa school na ito. I just shook my head as an answer.

"What?" Hindi siya makapaniwala. "That's impossible. Ang dami kayang gwapo rito."

"They're not my type." I simply answered.

"What's your type, then?" She asked.

I looked away from her. I suddenly remembered Launce. He is my type. Tall, good-looking and successful. Old enough and matured.

"I just want someone who's..." I'm thinking of words to define Launce. "Someone who is kind and... and... Someone who's, you know.. Tall, handsome-" Chrysan cut me off.

"Okay, of course, that's given. Girls want guys who are tall and handsome. Duh!"

"Tsk! Wait, I'm not yet done kasi." I exhaled. "I just simply want a man, not a guy. Do you get it?"

She looked at me, amused, before nodding slowly. "So, you basically want someone older than you. Am I right?"

I kept silent and nodded as answer. She pouted playfully and nodded too.

"Mga ilang taon ang gusto mo? 3 years older? 4? 5?"

"Doesn't matter." I said.

Launce is actually 7 years older than me.

Napatigil ang pagkkwentuhan namin ni Chrysan dahil halos sabay dumating ang mga sundo namin.

The moment I stepped inside the house, my mom was all dressed up.

I went to her and kissed her cheek, "Hey, Mom. Where are you going?"

She kissed my cheek too. "I'm glad you're home already. You dad and I will be going out tonight. We're invited to Lumiera's birthday celebration."

My eyes widened, "Lumiera? As in.. Lumiera St. Laurent? The designer of my debut gown?"

"Yes, darling." My mom answered. "How do I look, by the way?" My mom turned around to show me her outfit.

I rolled my eyes, "Come on, Mom. You know my answer to that. You are gorgeous, okay?"

She held my cheeks and smiled, "Thank you, sweetie."

"Mom, can I join you for tonight?" Gusto kong sumama sa party. Baka makita ko si Launce doon.

"Why?" My mom looked confused.

"I just... I just want to get out of the house." Palusot ko.

My mom was about to answer me but Dad ran down the stairs. He's on his phone. He's wearing a white dress shirt and slacks. Mukhang hindi pa siya tapos mag ayos.

"Okay, okay, I understand." He stopped and listened to what the caller was saying on the phone. "I'll be there." He looked at me after turning off his phone.

My mom faced dad. "What's wrong?" Dad went to my mom.

"There's an emergency I need to attend to." He caressed my mom's arms. Dad noticed my presence and went to me to give me a kiss on my forehead.

"How about Lumiera's party? You're not attending?" Mom asked Dad.

"I can't attend to it, hon. Kailangan ako ngayon sa trabaho." My dad said to my mom. My dad is indeed a very busy man, he's a senator after all.

My mom looked sad. She looked down and sighed before slowly nodding. My dad kissed her on her forehead and whispered something.

"Mom," tawag ko sa ina ko. "I can join you." I offered. "Hindi ka masasamahan ni Dad so ako na lang ang sasama sayo sa party. How's that sound?" I smiled at her sweetly, trying to convince her.

My mom smiled back at me. "Okay. Go to your room and change into something a little formal and nice." She patted my shoulder.

I squealed and ran to my room. I went to my walk-in closet to look for dresses and shoes. I saw an old dress of mine that I only used once.

"This is perfect."

I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I'm so excited! 

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