Chapter 15

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"What are you into these past few days?" Mom asked me.

We're here inside the nail salon. She's reading the magazine while the technician is scrubbing her foot. Mom and I are having a pamper day. She's been so stressed with her business. Dad, as usual, is busy with work too.

"Uhm.." I've been waiting for this time. I wanted to talk to my mom about my relationship with Launce. I just want to let her know that Launce is my boyfriend and that's it.

"Well, aside from my studies, shopping and making new friends..."

Mom looked at me, "What?"

"Mom, don't freak out okay?" I alerted her.

"Oh god, you're making me nervous. Spill it already." Mom said impatiently.

"I now have a boyfriend, mom." I said in a soft voice.

My mom raised her brows at me before smiling, "Really, darling? Who's the unlucky guy?" Mom even emphasized the word 'unlucky.'

My mouth formed an 'o'. What did my mom just say!? "Mom! How dare you!?" I laughed and she laughed too.

"You're not being a hard headed girl to him, are you?" She said, chuckling.

"No! Of course not, mom!"

"Okay.." He stopped chuckling, "So, who is he?"

"Launce." I simply answered.

Mom looked shocked, her eyes widened and he placed her hand to cover her mouth.

"Oh, dear..." Mom replied, still shocked.

"Why?" I asked, confused.

"I... wow." Mom looked at me and smiled, "I'm really happy for you. You chose a good man."

I smiled back at my mom. "Really?"

"Yeah. Launce is an honorable man, you know. I knew it! You really liked him ever since." Mom said while smiling.

"Tsk!" I rolled my eyes playfully. Mom knows everything about me, really. "You're right, actually. He treats me really well." I said. I gave my mom a genuine smile.

"Are you happy?" My mom said dearly.

"Super, mom. Launce makes me the happiest girl!"

"I remembered your father back when we weren't married yet." Mom started telling her love story.

I truly love their story. I hope Launce and I end like theirs but it's too early to tell and.. Every relationship tells different stories.

Now that my mom knows about Launce and I, she's less strict. She allows me to get out all the time cuz she now knows where I am most of the time. She knows I'm with Launce.

I called Launce, "Where are you?"

["Hey babe! I'm near. Give me ten minutes."] Launce said on the phone. His voice is just so sexy and alluring.

How is that even possible? He's not even doing anything and yet here I am feeling a lot of things. He's not even seducing me or anything and yet I feel so seduced? Just by his voice!? Just by the way he spoke? Oh god! This is so frustrating and so wrong but it feels good.

May usapan kami ngayon na pupunta ako sa condo niya. I dropped the phone call and told him to focus on driving.

I'm wearing a black push up bra that's made mostly out of lace. I also wore the thong that pairs with my bra. I bought these days ago. I remembered the first time he saw me naked, and I was wearing an ugly panty. Ugh, how embarrassing!

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