Chapter 21

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I stepped out of the car. I saw Launce standing beside his car. He looked tired and sorrowful. He walked to me.

"Kaleigh, ano ba ang nangyayari?" Launce said in a soft, calmed voice.

The driver went inside the house already, leaving us two.

"Bakit hindi mo saakin sinabi na kinasal ka pala? That you're a divorcee?" I asked, my voice is shaking.

"Does it matter? That was years ago, Kaleigh." Launce said. He looked really tired. He's not wearing his coat. His necktie was loosened and the first three buttons of his dress shirt were opened.

"Yes, it matters! I thought I knew you completely already.." I cried. I feel so tired and drunk. I'm being too emotional maybe because of the alcohol in my system.

Launce's expression softened and pulled me to his chest, hugging me. I cried more..

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Launce whispered. "I just thought that... that it won't matter anymore. It was a painful memory and it was all in the past." He sounded tired and wounded.

I pulled from the hug, "Nakakainis lang na nalaman ko pa sa ibang tao at hindi sayo."

"I was really planning to tell you. I was just looking for the perfect timing."

"There is no perfect timing, Launce."

"I'm really sorry, Kaleigh." Launce kissed my forehead. "I will explain."

I cried more. I don't know why I feel so sensitive and emotional right now. Maybe because I'm under the influence of alcohol? Maybe because I felt like I did not really know my boyfriend at all? Maybe because I expected too much from Launce. I always look up to him not because he's my boyfriend, but because he is a great man. A great CEO, leader, boss and boyfriend.

I suddenly felt nauseous. I took a step back to breathe more. I need more air.  I don't want to throw up..

"Are you okay? What's happening?" Launce said. He looked at me, concerned.

"I'm.." I said. I suddenly felt the acid on my stomach and throat.

I took a few steps back before throwing up on the corner of the street. I feel dizzy, dirty and smelly. Fuck, I'm a mess! I'm in a huge mess right now! Drunk, feeling betrayed, feeling dirty from Atkin's kiss, and everything! I smell like sweat, alcohol and smoke. Fuck, this made me cry.

Tears were escaping my eyes as I threw up. I felt Launce behind me. He held my hair as I vomited all out.

"Shit, you're so drunk," I heard Launce's curse.

I took a deep breath before standing up properly. Launce handed me his handkerchief. I wasn't able to accept it since I was shaking. I suddenly felt tired and weak. I just want to rest and wait for tomorrow to happen. It has been a long, exhausting day for me! I wish this day would end..

Launce was the one to wipe my mouth. He did it very gently, so gentle that I felt like an expensive porcelain doll.

His expressive eyes looked so tired and wounded.

"Kaleigh, please rest." Launce whispered. "Do it for yourself and do it for me, too."

I nodded, I still can't speak. Nanghihina na rin ako. Pakiramdam ko hindi na ako makakalakad. Ang sakit na ng ulo ko, ng katawan ko...

"Come here, I'll help you up." Launce scooped me in his arms, carrying me like a newly wedded wife. I wrapped my arm around him as he walked inside the house.

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