Chapter 14

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What had gotten into me? Am I really giving this a shot?

One of my favorite coats was with Kaleighna and she actually wanted to give it back to me. I have a shit ton of coats with me, so the question is... Why did I message her, asking for my coat? Well, because it's my favorite coat. No, stop lying to yourself, said by the other side of my brain. You just wanted to see her again.

I was really nervous meeting up with her. Tangina, why do I feel like a teenager going on a first date!? Damn it.

I was actually almost an hour earlier. I just waited for her message. I wonder what her outfit is.. I wonder what she smells like..

Chat from Kaleighna Primavera:

Hi, I'm here. Where are you?

She's here! I need to act normal. I typed my reply as fast as possible. I don't want to make her wait.


Where are you? Stay where you are. Ako ang pupunta sayo.

She replied immediately.

Chat from Kaleighna Primavera:

Near rustans. Lobby :)

I walked immediately. Ayoko siyang pag hintayin ng matagal. Malayo pa lang ay natanaw ko na siya. She's wearing a sophisticated dress, perfect for a sophisticated girl like her. She looks a little small because she's not wearing heels. I didn't mind it at all. I find our height difference really cute. I called her and she looked back at me.

God! I almost lost my breath! She's damn gorgeous! I stopped myself from looking down at her chest, her cleavage was showing. Was she wearing a push up bra? It looked rounder and fuller.

She handed me my coat and I wore it immediately. I was hoping that the coat would smell like her, but it didn't.

We ended up drinking at Shangrila Hotel. While we're walking, I tried so hard to stop myself from holding her hand. I almost prayed to all the saints out there to help me resist and fight temptations.

Kaleighna suddenly became bolder and fiercer. She told me that I am her type. Hell, she shouldn't joke that way. She shouldn't be feisty.. Though, I like my girl feisty and confident... I've been trying to stop myself for the whole night.

To all the saints out there, please, help me resist this temptress!

I received a text message from Kaleigh.

From Kaleighna:

Hey! Can you pick me up tomorrow night? I don't have a driver..

Tomorrow is the birthday celebration of Clarisse. Kaleighna and I were both invited. I sighed before typing my reply... I wonder if she knows that I can't say no to her.


Sure. I'll pick you up at 9:30PM.

I was so protective of her the whole night of the celebration. I wanted Kaleigh to always be beside me.

"Sit here," I gave her enough space. The couch was big and I wanted her to be seated next to me. It's better that way, I can protect her. No man would dare to try and make a move to her.

My eyes were just set to the dance floor. I was watching her have fun with her friend and her newly found friends. She looked really happy and she seemed to enjoy the night. As much as I wanted to pull her off the dance floor, I didn't do that. I have no right to be proprietorial of her. She's not mine... yet.

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