Chapter 4

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I just got out of the shower. I wrapped the white towel on my waist before stepping out of my bathroom. I went straight to my walk-in closet to wear my outfit for tonight.

Tonight is a very special night for my parents, especially for my mother. It's her 50th birthday today. Her birthday will be held in La Paz Plaza Hotel, where Kaleighna's debut was held.

I suddenly remembered that girl. I kept my thoughts off her because I know that she is young and it only means that she's off limits.

I opened my sliding cabinet and looked for a good suit to wear for tonight. I decided to wear one of my favorite suits. I grabbed my all black Burberry tuxedo. I always like wearing black. I paired it with a black shiny shoes and a Luxe Laurent belt and cufflinks. For my perfume tonight, I chose Tom Ford. I sprayed it on me before fixing my hair.

I grabbed my car keys and went out of my penthouse. I went straight to La Paz Plaza Hotel. Muntikan na akong malate dahil sa lintik na traffic.

My phone rang and I answered it, "Hello?"

"Son, where are you? Your mom's looking for you." It's my dad.

"I'm here." I went inside the reception. There were a lot of people already. I was still on my phone. I raised my hand as a signal. "I'm raising my hand, dad. Do you see me?"

"Over here!" I heard my dad scream. Binaba ko ang tawag at lumapit sakanya. We talked for a bit before mingling with other people.

My mom's party started and everyone seemed to enjoy it. All of them are talking about business and their achievements. These people are fun to look at. Seeing them being successful and rich is such an inspiration.

"Launce," someone from behind called me. Tumingin ako sa likod at halos mapamura ako.

"Excuse me," pagpapaalam ko sa mga katable ko.

"What?" Walang gana kong bati sa mga kaibigan ko. Inabutan naman nila ako ng alak at tinanggap ko iyon.

"Why are you so grumpy? It's your mom's party." Sandros said.

"Wala kasi siyang mafuck, kaya ayan." Sabi ni Nikko. Natawa naman ang iba kong kaibigan.

"You're not getting it, are you?" Sandros said while smirking, halatang nangiinis. My friend, Santi, patted my shoulders while chuckling.

"Ewan ko sainyo." I drank my drink. Inubos ko iyon sa isang lagok.

Sinalinan naman ulit iyon ni Fabian, isa ko pang matalik na kaibigan.

"You should look for someone already," payo ni Santi.

"Oo nga, mahirap ang walang sex life." Fabian said.

"Sino ba kasi ang nagsabi sainyo na wala akong sex life? Hindi porket busy ako sa trabaho ay hindi ko na nakukuha iyon." I snarled.

Tumawa naman ang mga gago kong kaibigan.

"Okay, okay. Sabi mo eh," Sandros said while chuckling.

Well, my friends are actually right. It has been months since I got laid. My last girl was Clarrise. I was so busy with our company that I forgot to have fun.

"I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Paalam ko sa mga kaibigan ko.

Medyo marami na ang nainom namin dahil nasa pangatlong bote na kami ng alak. I went to the bathroom to pee. After peeing, I washed my hands and fixed myself. The bathroom was a bit far from the reception.

My phone beeped, I grabbed my phone from my pocket to check it out. It was an email from my secretary. I was busy reading it when I suddenly bumped into someone. She bumped my chest. Nabitawan ko ang phone ko at bumagsak iyon sa sahig. Humawak sa taong nabangga ko. I held her on her back and wrist.

"Oh my gosh!" The girl said. She sounded scared and shocked at the same time.

Our eyes met. Those eyes. It has been months since I saw this beautiful set of eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, baka mamaya ay nasaktan siya dahil sa pagkabangga naming dalawa. Her palms are on my chest.

Now that she's so near and close to me, I can smell her completely. She smelled so sweet, like bergamot and vanilla.

Umayos siya ng tayo. Bumitaw siya saakin. Bumitaw din ako sakanya.

"I'm fine." She said while pulling down her dress.

She's wearing a white dress that fits her body like a glove. It shows her curves and the shape of her body.

"Oh no, your cellphone." She looked down and grabbed my phone on the ground.

She checked my phone, looking if it's cracked or broken. I didn't care about my phone. My eyes were just fixed at her.

"My phone's fine." I said.

"I.. I guess it's not?" She said unsurely. "May crack oh," pinakita niya saakin ang screen ng phone ko. It has small cracks. "I'm so sorry. Ang clumsy ko." She bit her lower lip.

"Hey, it's fine. I'm just gonna have it fixed." I assured her. Ayos lang naman talaga saakin.

She still looked nervous and unwell. "It's fine, don't worry about it." I said.

"Sure?" She said softly. Her voice is so calming. Ang sarap pakinggan.

"Yes, no worries." I can't help myself but to smile. Seeing her amused me.

She's still biting her lower lip. She nodded. "Here," inabot niya saakin ang phone ko. I grabbed it from her. I felt her warm hand. The first time I touched her was at her debut party.

Nilagay ko kaagad sa bulsa ko ang phone ko. She's looking at me as if she's memorizing my face or something.

"Are you okay? Nasaktan ba kita?" I'm asking her this time. Medyo malakas ang pagkabangga namin kanina.

"I'm fine and hindi naman ako nasaktan." She smiled at me sweetly.

I noticed that the strap of her dress was falling off her shoulder. Inunahan ko na siyang ayusin iyon. I grabbed the strap of her dress, my fingers felt her soft skin, and fixed it on her shoulder.

I heard her gasp. "T-thank you." She looked away.

"Tapos ka na bang magbanyo o magbabanyo ka pa lang?" I asked. My eyes are glued at her.

"Tapos na." She looked at me.

"Sabay na tayong bumalik doon?" I offered and smiled at her a bit. She smiled back too before nodding.

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