Chapter 19

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Kaleigh's all snuggled up on my chest. I can feel her breath on my skin. I can also hear her soft snores.

After the fashion show, some photographers and videographers took photos of us while we're kissing.

I didn't mind it at all since I am proud to have Kaleigh as my girlfriend. It was also a happy moment since we both told each other the three words. We both love each other and that's what matters to me now. Our relationship is not bound by lust, but by love. We may have started the wrong way, but we made it right.

I actually wanted to say the three words first but then she first said it.

I remembered chatting with Clara about our relationship. Clara even gave me some ideas on how I could celebrate our third monthsary together and on how I could say 'I love you' to her.

Actually, honestly speaking.. I was the first one to fall inlove. I was just scared at first to say it. I'm scared that she might get it the wrong way. That's why I made sure to formally meet her parents and for her to meet mine. My intentions with Kaleigh are pure. I truly love her and I want my present and future with her.

I thought of bringing her to a nice date.. And the fashion show was a perfect idea. She wants to become a fashion designer and this might help her to be more inspired.

It was all worth it. The expenses, the travel, everything.. She looked really happy. Her eyes were sparkling when she watched the fashion show. Ni hindi nga niya napansin na kinukuhaan ko siya ng mga litrato gamit ang cellphone ko.

I'm fucking damned, I'm so in love with her!

I stared at her, sleeping soundly and naked. The sheets were covering her nakedness. I kissed her hair, she smelled like an angel.

"I love you," I whispered and hugged her with my arm.

All of my painful experiences in the past were worth it. If it didn't happen, then I wouldn't have met Kaleighna.


"Say cheese!" I said as I took Launce's pictures. We're here outside the Milan Cathedral.

Launce took me on a short Milan Tour. We took cute photos together. We ate at different restaurants. We visited different churches and museums. Milan is such a nice place! I'm glad that Launce and I are here.

"That's enough." Launce walked near me. "Let's go now.." Launce held my hand.

We went to the limousine and the chauffeur opened the door for us. We both thanked him.

We are now headed to the nearest airport. According to the chauffeur, the travel time is estimated at an hour and 10 minutes. We will be going to Rome. We're using Fabian's private plane to get there.

"It is so nice here.." I whispered. My head is on Launce's shoulder. He was combing my hair with his fingers.

"It's nicer now since I'm with you." Launce replied. I smiled at that.

"Thank you, Launce."

"For what, Kaleigh?"

"For making me happy. I'm so happy, you have no idea." I can cry my emotions out.

"I love you.." Launce whispered. I felt him kiss my hair.

"And I love you too.." I whispered back.

It was 4 PM when we arrived in Rome. The city's jam packed with people. Launce's arm was on me the whole time. We walked for a few minutes and made it to the Trevi Fountain or also known as Fontana di Trevi.

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