be happy²⁷

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Bils pov

Emma: hi mom-emma appeared sitting in one of the chairs on the kitchen island

Bil: hey baby-i smiled to her

Emma: you need help?-she said refering to the breakfast i was preparing

Bil: no need, im almost done anyways-she nodded and i saw her fiddle w her fingers looking nervous-whats wrong?

Emma: ah- nothing, i just- nvm-she stood up and started to leave

Bil: emma-i stopped her-whats wrong? Talk to me-i cleaned my hands walking towards the other side of the island and sitting in another chair, wich made her sit back down too

Emma: so uhm, how do we know if we like, yk-she shrugged

Bil: emma im not getting it-i chuckled seeing how nervous she was

Emma: its embarrassing-she sighed-i think i like this one boy from our school-she said. Alright, i wasnt prepared for that

Bil: oh really?-she nodded-uhm, i mean idk, ig you just start feeling different when youre w that person, like you feel butterflies in your stomach

Emma: well, he said he likes me but im not sure if i like him back-i smile

Bil: who is this boy?

Emma: gabriel from my class-she said-but pls dont tell dad, hes gonna be mad

Bil: hes not gonna get mad, he'll just get a lil worried-i shrugged seeing her shake her had

Emma: still, promise you wont tell him-she pouted making me chuckle

Bil: alright i wont but i wanna know everything ab this gabriel boy-i smirked as she started telling me how they met and all that

Later that day

Jayden: mommy is anthony and dylan going to be there?-jayden asked as i was helping him put on his shoes

Bil: no buddy, theyre back to ny already

Jayden: what ab peaches?

Bil: peaches is also back to ny-i chuckled

Jayden: so who am i gonna play w?

Bil: you can w yoku, and sharkie, and pepper, and grandpa patty and nana maggie-i finished helping him, standing back up as i felt a sharp pain in my stomach, making me groan

Jayden: mama are you okay?-jayden asked looking worried

Bil: yeah can you just call daddy for me pls-he nodded and i saw him stand up and run out of the room as i sat back down in the floor

Brandon: whats wrong dealer?-i saw que walk in w jayden

Bil: can you finish helping him get dressed, i gotta go to the bathroom, i think i got my period cuz i just had this super horrible cramp-i said sticking my arms out for him to help me stand up

Brandon: are you sure youre okay? You look like youre in pain-he said holding my face and my waist

Bil: it hurts but it'll be fine just help jayden

Abigail: uh- guys? Theres a 4yo in the room, not the time for you two to makeout-abigail appeared

Brandon: we werent making out i was-he started explaining but abigails face just screamed "i dont believe you" so he gave up

Bil: okay im gonna go now-i pecked brandons lips before getting out, leaving Brandon helping jayden-you ready?-i said to Abigail

Abigail: i was born ready-she said

Bil: iTs ThE sElF eStEeM fOr Me-i imitated her

Abigail: it doesnt shine on you darling-she said walking past me. Who turned her into that monster

I walked towards the bathroom and took off my underwear sitting on the toilet after. I looked at my underwear seeing that there was no blood in it

I peed and then looked at my pee but no sign of my period either. Are you serious that you gave me that shitty cramp for absolutely no reason?

I walked out of the bathroom and went towards the living room seeing the girls in there, abigail and emma were chatting while jade was just on her phone

Jayden: mama look, i look good-jayden said showing off his hair, wich had curls

Bil: youre gonna break so many hearts when you grow up-i said looking at him

Brandon: and then ima break yo legs for each heart that you break-que said making all of us laugh-you feeling better?-he asked while the kids were getting their stuff

Bil: yeah i feel fine-i lied knowing damn well that if i said that it was hurting like hell he would cancel his whole bday party bc of me-and i didnt got my period, meaning that youre getting some pussy today-i whispered sticking my tongue out

Brandon: i was gonna get it, w or without the period so-he shrugged. It always felt weird to me to fck while im on my period bc all the guys i've been w, thought that us being on our period was a turn off, so it was really surprising when i found out that que doesnt give a shit, its not a turn off to him

We put everything in the car and then drove to my parents house

Maggie: look if its not the silliest couple of siblings-i heard my mom as soon as she saw Abigail and Jayden-hi you-mom hugged me

Bil: hi, wheres dad?

Maggie: he went to get a few things i need for breakfast tomorrow, he must be on his way back already

Bil: why do i feel like yall ab to do a bunch of food for them-i chuckled shaking my head

Maggie: you know me

Bil: alright guys, behave well and be nice for nana maggie and grandpa patty alright?

Jayden: and pepper! Dont forget pepper-jayden said playing w yoku, shark and pepper

Bil: yes jayden, pepper and the dogs too-i chuckled. Me and que hugged them all and then headed out to ques bday party

Brandons pov

"I get those goosebumps every time yeah, when youre not around, when you throw that to the side, yeah"-me and my friends all sang jumping like crazy

Suddently, i felt someone tap my shoulder and i looked to the side seeing prince motioning for me to get out of that circle. I frowned walking in his direction

Prince: its billie-he said in my ear-me and gawa are taking her home bc shes like deadass in pain

Brandon: where is she?-we walked outside the club, seeing gawa caressing billie's back while she was crouched tightening her arms around her belly and crying, a lot-dealer-i bent down looking at her face. She looked lowkey tired and in pain-we're not going home, we're going to the hospital-i said seeing her shake her head

Bil: its probably just my period arriving

Brandon: you never had cramps that made you be this bad, we're going to the hospital rn, period-i stood back up going towards the car and holding her in my arms as she cried in my neck.

A/n: this chapter is a lil bit longer just bc i wanted to end there

Also, sorry that this is 7h later, i just wasnt in the mood to write

Also part 2, yesterday i put out a book to just kind talk to yall and play games so go there interact w me, its called "hi besties"

Alright bye, now ima go play some game at that book

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