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3Rd person's pov

Tani: look who it is-tani said as soon as she saw billie and matthew walk in

Jayden: mama-jayden shouted when he saw his mom

tani: you better stfu before i don't slap you-tani said

billie: put one finger on my kid and i will-

tani: what? kill me, own-tani pouted, placing her hand over her chest in a dramatic way-i'm so scared-she said-you know what to do mat-tani winked, making matthew nod, walking billie towards a chair in front of the kids, tying her up-let's start with you-tani said pulling emma up by her arm-the adopted kid-she said caressing her hair-hudson!-she called and hudson suddenly appear with a scissor in his hand giving it to tani and then giving billie a death look

billie: LEAVE HER ALONE-billie screamed making tani laugh

tani: screaming won't do anything my dear-she chuckled before turning back to emma-what a beautiful hair you have-she said

emma: please stop-emma said shaking her head

tani: bur i think we can do better than that-she winked before starting to cut all of emma's hair

emma: please stop!-she shouted trying to move around but hudson stopped her, holding her down

billie: take your hands off of my daughter you dirty bastard-billie shouted making hudson give her another death stare

after a while all of emma's hair was completely gone and she was in tears

emma: you are a monster-she said looking up at tani

tani: own don't cry my love, i was so nice with you! just wait till you see what i'm gonna do with your siblings-she whispered the last time on emma's ear-next one, abigail-she said

hudson: and you come with me-hudson said, taking emma out of the chair and throwing her inside a dark room, by herself

tani: abby abby, my beloved daughter-tani said caressing abigail's shoulder

abigail: i'm not your daughter-abigail said with anger in her voice

tani: i wish you weren't-tani chuckled, slightly shaking her head-hudson?-she called, making hudson walk up to her, giving her a switchblade

billie: stop! please torture me, just let them go, i'm begging you-billie shouted as tears started running down

tani: this is my way of torturing you-tani said before bending down, starting to distribute cuts all over abigail's body as billie, jade and jayden screamed asking for her to stop-i've always wanted you dead you know-she said as she continuing to cut her-you were never even meant to be born, ever since you appeared in the picture everything started to get messier, all because of you-she said

abigail: i'm pretty sure i wasn't the problem-she said-ahhh-she screamed when tani cut her face

tani: i'm pretty sure you were-she said before continuing to cut abigail.

a/n: i hate this sm, you have no idea

anyways, once i finish my secret and my angel 2, i was thinking about making a book about abigail in the future, like around 18/19, what do yall think

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