that btch²⁸

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Brandons pov

Bil: sorry i ruined your bday-billie said looking at me. We where now at the hospital, we've talked to a doctor and we're currently waiting for the exam results

Brandon: you didnt ruin my bday dealer, i should be the one saying sorry bc i wasnt there while youre in pain

Bil: i lied saying i wasnt so-she chuckled but i quickly saw her mood change and she sighed-do you think im pregnant?-she asked looking at the ceiling

Brandon: idk i mean, we did have sex a couple times without using condoms and i did cum on you so maybe-i said seeing her sigh-is it that bad if we have another baby dealer?

Bil: i mean we have 4 kids already que

Brandon: theres always room for more-i chuckled seeing her shake her head

Bil: stop, its not funny-she shook her head again

Brandon: dealer we'll figure it out, overthinking is not gonna take us anywhere-i caressed her arm

Doctor: okay mr and mrs adams, i got the results from the exams-doctor lincoln came back-mrs adams you have a feeding intoxication-he said and i saw billie sigh in relief that she wasnt pregnant-you dont have to worry, it doesnt seem to be that bad so w a few antibiotics you should be okay-he said writing down

Brandon: thank you-i said

Doctor: oh and dont worry, your baby is okay-he said and i saw billies eyes wide

Bil: my what?-she asked

Doctor: your baby- you didnt you know youre pregnant mrs adams?-he asked and we shook our heads-oh i thought you knew, i apologize, youre pregnant congratulations mr and mrs adams-he said

Brandon: thank you-i said looking at billie and seeing her trying not to cry

Doctor: i'll give you guys a moment and a nurse will come to give you guys the recipe for the antibiotics-i nodded seeing him left

Brandon: dealer-

Bil: i dont wanna talk ab it-she cut me, standing up from the stretcher grabbing the hoodie i gave her. I sighed nodding and we went to the nurse so she could give us the recipes, once she did, we went to the pharmacy and got the antibiotics-you can go back to the party if you want, i'll be fine-she told me when we got home

Brandon: no way im leaving you-i said seeing her shake her starting to leave the car

Bil: i can take care of myself

Brandon: why are you mad at me? I mean, ik i was the one that came inside you but you dont have to be mad

Bil: im not mad-she said slamming the door

Brandon: yeah sure

Bil: why dont you just go to that stupid party and leave me alone-she said. I knew that if i answered she would get even more mad so i just shut up, sighing

I saw her change out of the dress she wore for the party and go to the bathroom, probably to shower


I was woken up by a lot of kisses all over my face making me frown opening my eyes

Bil: hi-she said when i looked at her-im sorry ab yesterday, i was a dick w you and i apologize for that-she said

Brandon: come here-i said making her sit on my lap and hug me-i didnt enjoy it but its fine-i rubbed her back

Bil: idk why i was so mad, i mean im still not sure if i want another kid but-she shrugged-what do you want?

Brandon: i want wtv you want, i'll support you anyways so-this time i was the one that shrugged seeing her sigh-do you want to abort?

Bil: ik im gonna feel bad if i do, i'll never forgive myself

Brandon: well, like i said im gonna support through wtv decision you make-i kissed her lips-alright cmon, lets go eat something before we pick up the kids-we went to the kitchen and made some toasts w eggs and coffee

Bil: yk, me being pregnant actually explains a lot, like my mood swings, weird cravings-she said referring to the fact that the other day she was eating beans w ketchup and vinegar

Brandon: oh yeah, those beans w ketchup and vinegar, ew-i made a disgusted face and she slapped my arm

Bil: no no no, that slaps every other food on earth-she said

Brandon: if say so-i shrugged

Bil: be a good husband and agree w me-she pouted making me chuckle

Brandon: youre right, beans w ketchup and vinegar hit different-i said seeing her happily clap before kissing my cheek

Bil: i love youuu

Brandon: i love you more dumbass-i chuckled-we finished eating and then i organized the kitchen while billie made our bed

Bil: im horny-billie turned around looking at me as we were now showering

Brandon: get away from me w yo horny ass-i chuckled when she started to approach me trying to grab my dick-we have to go get the kids, stop

Bil: just a quickie-she pouted-plssss-she said in a baby voice

Brandon: come here-i grabbed her by her waist pulling her closer and kissing her

Bil: uhm-she moaned. My kisses went more down towards her neck-wait que-before i could even move, i saw her throw up in the wall

Brandon: dealer-before i could even finish my sentence she threw up again all over our foot

Bil: omg- im sorry baby, i tried holding it but-

Brandon: its okay dealer just turn the water back on pls-i cut her. She turned back the water and i washed our foot and the wall

Bil: i really apologize babe, that was fcked up-she said when we were finishing getting ready

Brandon: dealer im not mad, i promise you-i side hugged her

Bil: youre not gonna divorce me right?-she looked up at me

Brandon: no dealer, im never letting you go-i kissed her lips seeing her smile wide.

A/n: late again 😀

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