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Abigail's pov

Secretary: yes miss?-the secretary rudely said looking me up and down as I approached her table

Abigail: oh hi, is doctor Carlos here?-I asked smiling at her

Secretary: he is, do you have an appointment?-she asked typing in the computer in front of her

Abigail: no but-

Secretary: then leave, mark an appointment online and then come back in the day of it-she interrupted me

Abigail: it'll be fast and he knows me already so I'm pretty sure won't mind me-

Secretary: like I said, leave and-

Max: thank you mrs Ryker-the door was opened and a lady walked past us, giving us a sweet smile before walking away, making doctor Carlos notice my presence-Abigail!-he shouted sounding surprised-why are you still there, come on in-he said motioning for me to follow him, closing the door one I went in-what a surprise to see you again

Abigail: hi doctor Carlos and yes, I came to visit my parents since is- was Jade's birthday so I decided to come by to visit you since you helped me so much through all that trauma

Max: first off, call Max, you're bot my patient anymore we don't have to be this formal-he chuckled-and I'm very happy to see you Abigail, like I said it's a big surprise to see you here, glowing and smiling and you're not little Abby anymore you're literally a woman

Abigail: I know, it's been almost 4 years-I shrugged smiling wide. Now I noticed how much he had changed too, he was more manly and attractive and I would also say..........sexy?

Max: how's doctor Jasper? Do you like her? Was she a good recommendation?-he asked referring to my nowadays therapist that was recommended by him

Abigail: she's a great therapist, honestly a 10/10 recommendation-I nodded-and by the way, where's Jasmine, I liked her better, this one is a little mean-I whispered making him chuckle

Max: Jasmine is now 9 months pregnant, she's been off for a month and will be off till her baby is at least 1 year old, the vantage of having a great boss like me-he proudly said making me laugh

Abigail: it's the self esteem for me-I laughed making him laugh too

Max: speaking of self esteem, how's your?

Abigail: no, I was liking Max the friend better, I don't want Max the therapist, not right now-I pouted making him laugh

Max: okay okay, I apologize-he said making me playfully roll my eyes

Abigail: oh by the way, I wanted to bring you a present but I didn't really know what to bring so I brought some homemade cupcakes-I saod giving him the box

Max: great that it's tea time right now, should I ask miss Juan to bring us some coffee

Abigail: I don't really feel like eating and they're for you so-I shrugged

Max: just one? So that I'm sure you're not poisoning me-he said making both of us laugj

Abigail: okay, just one-I said seeing him click on a button that I still remember that he used it to call the secretary. So in a few seconds miss Juan was in the room

Max: coffee or tea?-Max asked me

Abigail: tea please, no sugar

Max: one cup of coffee, you know how's my coffee and one cup of tea with no sugar-he said making her nod before leaving.

a/n: I'm sleepy but I wanna watch fear street part three😔

and also, this chapter is kinda of a sipnose for Abigail's book so let me know if we're still up for it so I can actually start writing it

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