thinkin' bout you³⁹

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3Rd persons pov
July 9, saturday

Billie: uhm-Billie grunted when she felt kisses all over her face, making her open her eyes seeing Brandon

Brandon: good morning sunshine-Brandon smiled, pecking her lips a couple times

Billie: hi-she smiled-I missed this, your arms-Billie said moving closer to him

Brandon: me too-he kissed her head

Billie: what time it is?

Brandon: uhm-Brandon looked over the clock on his bedside table-08:05am

Billie: I have to get up-she said standing up

Brandon: you have therapy right?-he stood up too, following her to the bathroom were he just watched her pee

Billie: yes, every wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday-she said flushing the toilet-I also have to do my anxiety exercises

Brandon: the ones you were doing yesterday?

Billie: I thought you were sleeping-she said starting to wash her hands while Brandon peed as well

Brandon: I was half up and half asleep-he flushed the toilet-should you be doing exercises while being pregnant tho?

Billie: Brandon I'm not dying, they're not even difficult exercises

Brandon: can I do them with you?

Billie: sure why not-she smiled, kissing his cheek before starting to wash her face


Billie: okay guys, I'm heading out-Billie said kissing Jaydens head

Brandon: I'm quickly going to drive mom but please, watch Jayden, I'm not gonna take long-Brandon said coming out of the bedroom as well

Billie: but remember, don't open the door to anybody okay?

Emma: ahum-Emma hummed before Brandon and Billie left

Abigail: Jade-Abigail said as soon as their parents left

Jade: what?

Abigail: why is Eva texting me asking for you to answer her texts?

Jade: just don't answer her and how does she have your number?

Abigail: who knows, I don't talk to her

Emma: I'm gonna brush Jaydens teeth and mines-Emma said standing up from the table and going with Jayden to the bathroom, leaving Abigail and Jade who were organizing the table they just had breakfast

Abigail: what happened to your phone? Why aren't you answering her?

Jade: nothing happened to my phone and I'm not answering because I'm not talking to her

Abigail: why not? You guys seemed to be okay at your party last night-the day before, on friday, was Jades 13th birthday and she had a little party with close family and friends

Jade: I don't wanna talk about it-Jade said making Abigail nod-when are we moving out of this hotel?

Abigail: I'm not sure, mom and dad just said they think they found a really good house but they're taking us there later so we can give our opinions

Jade: weren't we also going to spend some time with grandma?

Abigail: yes, tomorrow night-Abigail nodded-we're staying there till sunday morning wich is when our new house should be ready

July 10, sunday

Jayden: I'm sleepy-Jayden complained

Billie: I know baby but we gotta go, don't you miss grandma-Billie said finaly helping him stand up

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