bitch kiss me44

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3Rd person's pov

tani: excited for your turn little one-tani said in jayden's ear as the boy continued to cry, asking for his mother

billie: tani i am begging you, please stop-billie cried-i'll do anything you want, i'll disappear from brandon's life if necessary, please just let them go-she begged

tani: own, poor billie-tani fake pouted-i like this better-she winked before turning back to jayden, grabbing a plier from the table on the side of the chair he was sitting-i see you have such pretty toes-she said getting hold of one of jayden's feet as the boy immediately started moving his feet-boys-tani called, making hudson and matthew aproach  jayden, holding him still as tani smiled hearing jade and billie scream asking her to stop, that made her feel even more power-let's have some fun-she said before approaching the plier to jayden toenail starting to push, hearing the boy scream in pain

billie: TANI PLEASE, STOP PLEASE-billie screamed as she tried setting herself free

tani tortured jayden and in the end he had a bloody foot, since tani took one of his toenails off

billie: you are a monster-billie said looking up at tani

tani: own really? you think so?-tani laughed-matthew start preparing things for us to leave-she shouted making matthew nod, he walked towards billie kissing her mouth before walking away-your turn baby girl-tani said pushing jade by her arm, from the floor to the chair-you know, you were my favorite kid and actually one of my favorite people in the whole world but you JUST had to fuck everything up didn't you?-she said

jade: i don't know how i ever called you mom-jade said-billie is my mom, not-before jade could finish, tani grabbed the gun and shot jade on the head twice

billie: NO-billie screamed not actually believing that tani cruelly killed her own daughter like that

after screaming billie just stood there as if she was frozen, looking at jade's dead body asking herself how did she put her own family in this situation, how did all this anger get into tani? hudson? matthew?

matthew: everything is prepared-matthew came back making tani nod

tani: hudson start the fire and then go find me and matthew in the car-she said making hudson nod before leaving-you can leave too-she said making matthew leave-now's your turn-tani said bending over billie's belly

billie: please-billie begged with the rest of strength she had left

tani: it was a pleasure not to meet you-tani said before getting a knife out and stabbing billie's belly, making her scream-bye billie, have a nice life without your dead kids and with the traumatized ones-she winked before leaving as billie just looked down at her bleeding belly, after a few seconds, everything simply went black.

a/n: heheehehehehehehehe

bet u weren't seeing this one coming 🥰

sorry this wasn't up yesterday! but see u on sunday :)

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