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3Rd person's pov

Billie: hope you don't mind the fact that we started eating without you-Billie said when Brandon kissed the top of her head

Brandon: that's okay-he said

Jayden: daddy is Sharkie going to die?-Jayden asked and Billie heard Jade start laughing

Billie: not everything is a joke Jade-she rolled her eyes

Jade: sheesh calm down, it was just funny the way he said it-Jade frowned

Billie: I'll laugh when someone tells you your mom died too-Billie said standing up from the table

Brandon: Billie!-Brandon tried holding her hand but she immediatelly yanked it away

Emma: really Jade?

Jade: so she says she's gonna make fun of me when my mother dies and I'm the wrong one?

Emma: what you said was unnecessary

Jade: so was what she said

Brandon: enough!-Brandon interrupted. He stood up going to his and Billie's room seeing her sitting on the bed wih her elbows over her knees

Billie: just leave me alone-Billie said as soon as Brandon walked in

Brandon: I'm sorry about what she said but what you said was as mean dealer-Brandon said trying to hold her hand but yanked it away again

Billie: Brandon I am tired of Jade's behavior, and I honestly don't give a fck

Brandon: Tani is not only Jade's mother, what about Abigail? You can't just walk around fighting a 13 year old

Billie: fck you-Billie said standing up and grabbing her car keys

Brandon: dealer where are you going it's almost 10pm

Jayden: mommy did I make you mad?-Jayden suddently appeared

Billie: no-Billie simply answered

Jayden: are you sure mo-

Billie: I said no!-Billie shoutted making the boy jump

Abigail: mom!-Abigail shoutted when she saw Jayden's eyes fill with tears, Billie simply walked out slamming the door behind her

Jade: what the hell is her problem bruh?-Jade said

Brandon: it's okay buddy, mommy didn't mean to shout at you-Brandon said caressing Jayden's back when a few tears ran down his cheek. Maybe screaming was something normal in other families but not in the O'Connell-Adams family, it was not usual for the kids to hear Billie scream


T.W.: mentions of sexual abuse and sexual harassment

Billie: thank you-Billie said after receiving the invoice for the purchase she had just made, whiskey

Hudson: Billie? What a surprise-Billie heard when she got out of the store

Billie: hi and bye-she said starting to walk away

Hudson: hold a second, cmon-Hudson said holding Billie by her waist and pushing her against the car-why are you here alone?

Billie: let go of my waist please-Billie asked trying to push him away from her

Hudson: can you give me a ride?

Billie: if you came here walking I'm pretty sure you can go back walking-Billie said 

Hudson: oh cmon Billie, please, it's getting cold-Billie rolled her eyes shaking her head

Billie: fine-Billie said and they both got in the car

The ride towards Hudson's house was silent, mostly Hudson trying to start a conversation while Billie kept ignoring him

Hudson: thank you-Hudson said when Billie parked in front of his house

Billie: do you need something?-Billie looked at him when he didn't get out of the car

Hudson: yeah, I need you-he said putting his hand on Billie's tight 

Billie: Hudson leave my car!-Billie shoutted yanking her knee away

Hudson: shut up-he said putting one of his hands on her throat while the other grabbed Billie's boob

Billie: Hud-

Hudson: sh babygirl-he said pulling her closer to him-you're so hot

Billie: Hudson please stop-Billie begged when Hudson's hand went inside her underwear-please stop, I'm pregnant stop-Billie said and Hudson looked at her with a disgusted face taking his hand out of her underwear

Hudson: what?-he said choking her stronger

Billie: please-she stuggled to say

Hudson: btch-Hudson let go of her neck before slapping her-if you tell anyone about this, say bye to your kids you whore-he said before spitting on her and leaving the car, leaving Billie there with her pants open, spit on her hair, a bruised neck, red face and tears running down her cheeks. She didn't have her phone with her, so she didn't know what to do. She just drove away from Hudson's house


Brandon: hey Drew, sorry I'm calling so late, I just wanted to ask if you know where's Billie? I have called Finneas, Maggie, my mom, Zoe, they don't know-before Brandon could finish his sentence, the door opened revealing Billie-never mind Drew she's here, bye-he said hanging up and looking at Billie-where were you?

Billie: driving around-she said walking past him

Brandon: what's wrong?-Brandon asked when he noticed that her voice sounded weird

Billie: nothing, just my asthma-she lied going inside their bathroom

Brandon: why-

Billie: Brandon I'm tired, I just wanna take a shower and sleep, please don't-she interrupted him. Brandon nodded leaving the bathroom and letting her take her shower

Billie sighed locking the door when he got out before looking at herself in the mirror, thankfully, her hair was able to hide the hand prints Hudson left on her neck

She slowly and lifeless took her clothes off getting in the shower, she didn't even bothered to pre-heat the water so when she got in, it was freezing cold, wish sent shivers down her spine

She felt such a mix of feelings, she felt like she was in a dark deep hole, as if everything and everyone around her were colored while she was black and white. But at the same time, she felt so dramatic, she had a feeling that worst things happened to other female, they were actually raped and some even got pregnant from it, while she had just been touched, she felt like she was diminishing other's women's problems and extolling hers. A real and confuse mix of feelings

After almost an hour in the shower, Billie finally got out, still not feeling clean but she didn't want Brandon to come and check on her again so she just got out. She walked in the room getting a sweatpant and sweatshirt and putting it on her, she then went to Jayden's room and softly kissed his head watching him peacefully sleep for a couple of seconds before going back to her room and laying in bed allowing Brandon to cuddle her.


A/n: quick question

If I wrote a book(It wouldn't probably be a long one), about Jade and Eva's "Story" with each other, would you guys read it?

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