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3Rd person pov:
Jun 17, fri

Brandon: be nice guys-Brandon said as the kids were getting out of the car

Jade: we're always nice-Jade said

Emma: bye dad-Emma waved before closing the car door

Brandon: hi Maggie-he shouted, waving at Maggie who was at the door waiting for the kids

Maggie: hi! Where's Billie?-she shouted back

Brandon: she said her head was hurting a lot so she asked me to drop the kids and go get groceries-he said making Maggie nod and wave one last time before going inside with the kids


As soon as Brandon walked in he heard light moans, wich made him immediately remember Billie wasn't feeling good and could have gotten worse

He quickly left the grocerie bags in the floor, running towards their room. He opened the door and what he saw made his heart immediately break

Billie. In the bed with another man

Who Brandon recognized as Hudson, one of Billie's coworkers

Billie: Brandon- wait it's not what it looks like-Billie quickly said when she saw him standing there. She pushed Hudson away grabbing the bed sheets and putting them around her body as she ran after Brandon pulling him back by his wrist

Brandon: LET FCKING GO OF ME-he screamed yanking his wrist away

Billie: please, it's not that- 

Brandon: from all people, you were the one that I expected the less to ever do something like this-he shook his head leaving the house, hearing Billie scream his name, asking him to go back. He ignored her, going inside his car and driving away

Jun 18, sat

Brandon sighed before walking in what used to be their house, he looked around seeing that the house was empty

He closed the door and went to every room on the house, grabbing some of the kids clothes and objects and some of his clothes and objects as well. He separated everything in 3 different bags, putting them in the car and driving towards Maggie's house


Maggie: Brandon! Hi, come in, what's wrong?-Maggie asked as soon as she opened the door, letting Brandon in right after

Brandon: hi Maggie, are the kids awake?-he asked skipping the question Maggie just asked him

Maggie: yeah, they're in the back playing with Patrick and the dogs-she said closing the door

Brandon: we're gonna have to leave earlier-he said-can I get their things please?-he quickly said before Maggie could ask questions

Maggie: sure, I'll get them for you but is everything okay?-she asked as the two of them walked towards what used to be Billie's room, wich is now the kids room from whenever they sleep here

Brandon: yeah, just ask Billie-he said grabbing the 3 bags the kids brought the day before

They walked outside seeing Patrick and Emma making a puzzle in the table, Jade laying on the grass while going through her phone, Abigail and Shark playing, Yoku and Pepper playing and Jayden by himself as he played with his toys

Maggie: guys!-Maggie shouted making everyone look at her-you're going home earlier

Abigail: why?

Brandon: lets just go guys come on-Brandon said making them start to stand up

Jayden: where's mommy?-Jayden asked but Brandon just ignored his question holding his hand as they waited for the girls to say bye to their grandparents and get the dogs

Maggie: I got it-Maggie said when the door bell ring-oh hi guys!-she said giving space for Finneas, Claudia, Connor and Vivian to come in

Connor: JAYDEN!-Connor screamed as soon as he saw Jayden, they ran and hugged each as Vivian ran to hug shark too

Claudia: are you guys leaving? I thought the kids were having lunch together-Claudia said after kissing Brandon's cheek

Maggie: well, Brandon says they have to leave so-Maggie shrugged

Brandon: yeah we-

Maggie: who is it now?-Maggie asked when the bell ring again-Billie! Hi-she said letting Billie in

Patrick: now the whole family is here-Patrick smiled, wich made Brandon giggle while shaking his head

Brandon: lets go guys-he said making the kids wave at everyone as they walked towards the door

Billie: wait- where are you taking them?-Billie said putting herself in front of the door

Jade: aren't we going home?

Brandon: no we're not, will you excuse us please?

Finneas: guys what is going on?

Brandon: ask your sister, get out of my way Billie-he shouted starting to get impatient

Billie: Brandon please listen to me-she pleaded

Brandon: I don't wanna hear shit, get out of my way!-he shouted

Finneas: all right lets calm down and not do this in front of the kids, baby can you get the kids out please?-Finneas asked Claudia as she nodded

Brandon: no one is taking my kids anywhere, get the fck out of my way-Brandon shouted again

Finneas: all right man, I'm not letting you scream at her face like that-Finneas said slighly pushing Brandon away from Billie

Brandon: I'm only going to say this once, you cheated on me on our own house, on our own bed and I will never forgive you for that, now either you get out of my way or I'm taking you-he said making everyone wide their eyes

Emma: what?

Billie: please-Billie cried

Finneas: Billie-Finneas slighly grabbed Billie's arm, pulling her away from the door, letting Brandon and the kids get out

Jayden: mommy!-Jayden called out, that's when Billie noticed Abigail was crying and Emma had tears in her eyes as well

Jade: dad-Jade said looking back a Billie

Brandon: get in the car Jade-Brandon firmly said making Jade get in, as he drove away

Maggie: Billie you cheated on Brandon?-Maggie asked looking

Billie: I-Billie tried saying something but she just looked down at her shaking hands

Claudia: okay guys, why don't we go outside play with peaches and pepper for a little bit?-Claudia said to Connor and Vivian.

A/n: for those who read "No time to die", I'm gonna stop updating it for a while and I might delete it but I'm still thinking about

Speaking of No time to die, BTCH WE WON A GRAMMY 🥳🥳

Anyways are you all watching the grammys right now?😩

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