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3Rd person pov

Brandon: what movie do you want to watch?-Brandon asked, closing the door with his foot as he had bowls with popcorn in both his hands

Billie: I don't really care tbh, I just want the popcorn-she said getting her popcorn and immediately starting to eat it

Brandon: then lets watch anime-Brandon said getting the tv remote control

Billie: hell no-Billie said immediately shaking her head

Brandon: you haven't even tried-Brandon giggled

Billie: do you know how old you are?

Brandon: you still watch Barbie-he said giving her a quick glance

Billie: don't compare Barbie and animes-Billie said slapping his arm, making him hiss-Barbie slaps all those shitty ass animes you watch-she said sticking her tongue out

Brandon: sure ma'am-he nodded, mentally denying it-then choose something to watch or else I'm gonna put anime

Billie: Kim Possible the movie-she said making Brandon nod, going to disney+ and putting Kim Possible the movie on. He then closed the window and curtains and cuddled up in bed next to Billie-are you not gonna eat your popcorn?-Billie asked looking at him, making both of them laugh

Brandon: you're not even done with yours and you already want to eat mine?-he laughed

Billie: who tf told you to get me pregnant?-Billie laughed

Brandon: you can have some-Brandon said giving her his bowl of popcorn

Billie: thank you, thank you so much-she said with her baby voice

Brandon: gurl you're seriously mixing sweet and salty popcorn? Do you feel okay?-Brandon chuckled putting his hand over her head in a playful way

Billie: shut up, it's better than it sounds like-she said eating them

Brandon: weirdo-Brandon mumbled before snuggling closer to her

Billie: are you trying to suffocate us?-Billie said movie around

Brandon: I'm cold-Brandon said

Billie: come here little tiny baby-Billie said motioning for him to lay over her chest

Brandon: much better-he said smiling against her before placing a soft kiss on her bump-I can't wait to meet you little boy-he whispired


"Seven!"-Brandon heard making him frown opening his eyes, noticing he fell asleep, he looked around the bedroom not seeing Billie-"Que!"-he heard again making him start standing up

Brandon: where are you?-he asked scratching his eye

Billie: living room-she said making him walk towards there, seeing Billie laying on the floor

Brandon: why are you on the floor?-Brandon chuckled laying by her side

Billie: I fell-she said making Brandon quickly look at her-I'm fine, it wasn't that big of a fall, I'm okay don't panick-she giggled already knowing Brandons next words

Brandon: are-

Billie: yes, I'm fine-she chuckled again before snuggling closer to him, laying her head on his chest-remember when we were going to our honey moon and you fcked me on the plane-she asked making Brandon slighly shake his head while laughing

Brandon: and on the massage room-he laughed

Billie: and when that little girl caught us in the hotel pool-Billie said making both of them laugh even more

Billie: uhm-Billie moaned as Brandon thrusted into her

Little girl: EW WHY ARE YOU MAKING BABIES IN THE POOL, MY BABY BROTHER DRINKS THAT WATER-a little girl suddently appeared looking at Billie and Brandon with a disgusted look wich made Billie gasp, pulling away from Brandon

Billie: hi sweetie, where's your mom?-Billie asked trying to play it cool

Little girl: you can't fool me! I'm already 9 and I've seen my parents do this too! Do adults know that we're grown people too and we see and hear them? I'm only 9 but I have a wise and open mind-she said crossing her arms

Brandon: yeah we can see that-Brandon said trying to hold in his laugh

Little girl: adults are disgusting! Jesus told me he doesn't like this thing, Jesus will punish you

Brandon: and you parents too right?-Brandon asked making Billie slap his arm

Billie: shut up-she whispired-well I'm sure Jesus will forgive us-she said

Little girl: no he won't! He's my best friend and he told me-she said before showing them her tongue and then leaving

Brandon: did we really just had this convo with a 9 year old?-Brandon laughed

Billie: you were just making her even more upset you idiot-she slapped him again

Brandon: stop with the slaps-he said slapping her arm back

Billie: rude-it was Billies turn to show Brandon her tongue, as she started getting out of the pool

Brandon: where you going, come here-Brandon said grabbing the hem of her swimsuit

Billie: we ain't staying here after that-she said slapping his hand away

Brandon: come here, she ain't coming back, the kid is probably traumatized-he laughed pushing her back in the pool

Billie: no, I'm hungry anyways-she said

Brandon: you're mean since there, not giving me that pretty pssy of yours-he said dramatizing

Billie: idiot-Billie laughed.

A/n: short cute chapter just so you won't say I didn't give you good moments after whats gonna happen next 🥰

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