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3Rd persons pov

Billie: omg-both billie and brandon jumped when the bell suddently ring as they ended up napping while watching the movie

brandon: i got it-brandon said standing up and opening the door

cop: are you brandon adams?


One hour earlier

Jayden: can i go to the water?-jayden asked again for the 5th time

Jade: can you shut up?

Emma: stop being rude-emma looked at jade-jayden we have to wait till grandma comes back from the bathroom then you can ask her okay?

tani: stfu and stand up, all of you-they suddentry heard making the three of them turn around seeing tani and a man by his side

they had guns in their hands

jade: what-

tani: do i have to repeat myself?-she said poiting the gun towards jayden making the girls immediatelly stand up-jayden come here

abigail: no!-abigail said putting herself in front of him making tani slap her, grabbing jayden by his arm

tani: give your phones to him-tani motioned with her head towards the man by her side, who walked towards the girls receiving their phones-now listen to me, you gonna walk in front of us towards that car-she pointed to a van-one wrong move he shots one of you, i shot him-she looked at jayden, who was crying at this point-understood?-the girls nodded and the 6 of them started walking towards the van. the man opened the door and everybody went in as the man then closed the door and started to tie the girls. Once everybody was tied, the man moved to the front of the van and started driving away, while tani stayed in the back with the girls and jayden-now lets have some fun


Four hours later

Billie: i can't believe this is happening-billie said as she trying keeping her hands from shaking

Maggie: we're gonna find them okay-maggie said rubbing her back

After they found out what happened, maggie and patrick immediately flew to meet with billie and brandon

Billie: she's gonna kill them mom, i've been having nightmares about them dying for weeks-she sobbed-plus-before she could finish, she felt her phone buzz

"Unknown number: go to *address* alone, once you get there and i'm sure you're alone i'll tell you where your kids are.-T&H"

Billie: i have to to the bathroom-billie quickly said standing up and walking away from her mother. instead of going to the bathroom, she went to her car, driving away from the police station. she drove to wear she was instructed ans seconds after she got there, another car appeared and a man got out of it-mathew?-she frowned as soon as he saw her ex boyfriend from years ago with a gun pointed at her

mathew: long time no see billie-he said-leave your phone and car here, get in my car-he said making billie put her phone inside her car and walk towards his, going to the passagers seat

billie: why are you doing this?-she said looking at him

mathew: you deserve it

billie: then hurt me! not my kids

mathew: the pain of killing you would never be better than the pain of killing your 5 kids right in front of your eyes-he said making billie put her hands on her belly, knowing that the 5th kid was the one she carried


Brandon: yeah?-Brandon looked back seeing amggie, who had just tapped his shoulder

Maggie: i cant find billie-she said making him quickly turn around

Brandon: what?

Maggie: she told me she was going to the bathroom but then sHE just disappeared, her car is gone and she isn't anwering her phone

Brandon: damnit billie-brandon said knowing exactly what was going on.


A/n: guess who's back 😏

anyways, 8 more chapters and then bye

also, now yall telling me not to change que's name, i'm lost

i'll update again on sunday, byee

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