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Bils pov
Jun 15, wed

Emma: ITS SUMMER TIMEEEEE-emma screamed laying on the floor as soon as we got home

Abigail: summertime sadness-abigail sang lying on the floor too

Jade: shark poops and that floor you idiots-jade shook her head walking away

Bil: hi buddy whats wrong?-i patted yoku seeing him move around a lot and bark

Brandon: dealer-brandon appeared w shark in his arms-i think im go w shark to the vet

Bil: why-i frowned patting shark

Brandon: he doesnt look good and he hasnt pooped

Bil: im going w you

Brandon: dealer i got it, hes probably fine just stay w the kids okay, i'll call if anything happens-he said making me sigh

Bil: get well okay baby-i caressed shark kissing his head a couple

Abigail: hopefully you'll be back today-abigail said kissing sharks head as well

3rd person pov

Emma: mom dont cry he'll be fine-emma hugged billies waist when she saw a tear rolling down her cheek

Brandon: say bye to mama cmon-brandon said to shark who licked billies face in response-we'll be back in a couple hours-brandon said before closing the door and leaving w shark

Jayden: hi mama, dont cry-jayden said hugging billies leg tight

Bil: thanks buddy-billie hugged him back-have you done your activities?-jayden shook his head-can you ask jade to help you w that?-jayden nodded running away to get his activities before running to jades room

Emma: what ab us, what do we do?

Abigail: wow wow wow, what do you do, cuz i am going to chill-abigail said going to her room

Bil: no lady youre not, today you two are making dinner

Abigail: im pretty sure emma can do it herself

Emma: yeah thats bc you dont know how to cook-emma chuckled

Abigail: you only know how to make rice and grilled chicken and you dont even know how to temper the chicken

Bil: alright-i interrupted before they started "Fighting"-you two are learning how to make lasagna

Jade: why is jayden screaming in my ear?-jade suddently came out w jayden following

Emma: cuz youre supposed to help him  w his activities

Jade: why me? What are you or Abigail doing?

Abigail: cooking, wich is more important than your phone-jade rolled her eyes going back inside of her room w jayden

Emma: alright lets get started-emma said


Abigail: mom the timer went off-abigail screamed coming out of her room seeing emma and billie in the living room cuddling. When Abigail said that the timer went off, both billie and emma stood up but billies phone also started buzzing

Bil: its dad, just check the lasagna while i talk to him-billie said making the girls nod going to see the lasagna that was supposed to be ready already

Call between brandon and billie
Bil: hey baby, any news?

Brandon: hey dealer, what youre doing?

Bil: was just ab to check to see if dinner is ready, hows shark?

Brandon: apparently he swallowed something, he'll gonna have to stay here to get surgery tomorrow

Bil: oh noo-billie pouted-but hes gonna be okay right?

Brandon: yeah the vet says he should be fine in ab two weeks but he cant run or jump too much

Bil: try telling him that-billie said hearing brandon chuckle

Brandon: alright love I gotta go sign some things and I'll be home in ab 20-30min

Bil: alright drive safely, love you

Brandon: I love you more

Bil: alright how does it look?-billie turned around

Abigail: emma said its ready but I thibk it should be a little bit more "Toasted"-abigail said

Emma: if we put back in the oven, the bottom is probably going to burn

Bil: lets put 5 more min and then we'll take it out, what do you think?

Abigail: its better than anything-abigail shrugged

Emma: yeah sounds good-billie nodded starting to put the lasagna back in the oven

Jade: Jayden's activities are done-jade and jayden got out of the room walking in the kitchen were billie and the girls were

Bil: thanks jade, Abigail and Jayden please start getting the table together, emma go undo Jayden's bag and jade put the trash out pls-everyone nodded going to separate directions while Billie was going to give yoku more water and some dinner as well but she was stopped by jade

Jade: I wanted to ask two things
Bil: sure what it is?

Jade: first, did you tell dad ab me and yk...eva?

Bil: no, I didn't say a word ab it-jade nodded

Jade: well my friends are going camping on friday to come back on sunday night and I wanted to know if I could go too?

Bil: I thought you hated camping

Jade: I hate camping w you guys, its different

Bil: uhm, isn't a little bit dangerous to go camping without any adults near?

Jade: my friends grandfather and aunt live 2 kilometers away, we're going there every day to have lunch and so that they can know we're okay

Bil: who's the youngest and who's the oldest from your friends that are going?

Jade: emery is the youngest, she's 12 and nolan is the oldest, he's 15

Bil: I don't really think its the best idea but summer just beggin, you should have some fun so sure but you'll have to ask your dad as well-jade nodded starting to leave-jade?

Jade: uhm-jade turned back around

Bil: is eva going?

Jade: maybe, why?

Bil: nothing, I'm just not sure if I should like her or no

Jade: why do you think you have reasons not to like her?

Bil: maybe bc of the fact that one day she was kissing you and the next another girl?

Jade: good that I'm the one that has to like her-jade gave billie a sarcastic smile before starting to put the trash out.

A/n: this should have been out on thursday😩 my bad

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