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3Rd persons pov:

Emma: mom!-Emma shouted when she saw Billie, immediately running as soon as she saw her mom

Billie: don't cry-Billie said as she felt all the girls hug her, including Jade

Abigail: we missed you so much-Abigail teared up, still in the hug

Billie: I missed you girls too, so much-Billie cried-where's Jayden?-Billie asked when they pulled out of the hug

Jade: he's with grandma and grandpa-Jade said making Billie nodd

Brandon: can you girls give us a second?-Brandon said making the girls nod

Jade: can we go and wait in the car?

Brandon: sure, here-Bradon handed Abigail the car keys watching them leave

Billie: Que-

Brandon: I'm so sorry-Brandon said immediately pulling her into a tight hug-I should've known something was wrong-he said trying to hold back his tears

Billie: I'm sorry I didn't have the courage to tell you, I-

Brandon: stop it, we've been together for more than 5 years, I should know better that you would never do something like that, it was my mistake, not yours-he shook his head holding her face up-I should be the one apologizing, you needed me, I wasn't there and I will never forgive myself for that

Billie: it's okay, I wouldn't want to talk if I saw you "Cheating" on me either-Billie chuckled

Brandon: are you okay?

Billie: no-Billie sincerely said-but I have you guys with me now and I'm going to therapy 4 times a week, I'll be okay-she said whipping the single tear that ran down Brandons cheek

Brandon: how's our little baby?-Brandon asked rubbing Billies stomach

Billie: okay, I'm 21 weeks in already-she smiled wide watching Brandon pout

Brandon: in months please?-Brandon chuckled

Billie: 5 months-she chuckled seeing him nod while still rubbing her stomach

Brandon: when can we know the gender?

Billie: I already know-she smiled wide

Brandon: and?

Billie: first, it's not one baby, we're having triplets-she said seeing Brandons eyes wide

Brandon: seriously?

Billie: no-she chuckled-we're having a boy tho

Brandon: really?-he pouted again seeing her nod-Jayden's gonna be so happy-he said pulling Billie in for another hug

Billie: can we go to my parents'? I wanna see him-she said making Brandon nod

Brandon: come on-he hold her hand starting to walk her out

Billie: I gotta go to my car remember?-she laughed

Brandon: oh sht-he chuckled

Billie: can the girls go with me tho?

Brandon: yes sure, I'll ask them-they walked towards Brandons car seeing Jade on her phone while Abigail and Emma talked to each other-girls we're going to your grandparents house, do you girls wanna go on dealers car?

Abigail: yeah, why not-the girls nodded starting to get out of the car

Brandon: there you go-he turned to Billie seeing her smile

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