Is this it?50

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3Rd person's pov

Abigail: hi mama-Abigail smiled pulling her mother in for a hug

Billie: hi, I thought you weren't coming today-Billie said closing the door

Abigail: I had nothing better to do, plus, I'm leaving tomorrow night and I'm gonna spend the whole day packing so I just thought I'd come spend some more time with you guys-she said putting her purse down

Billie: oh okay-Billie said walking back into the kitchen-so, how was your meeting with doctor Carlos?-Billie asked

Abigail: it was great, better than I expected, he was so nice and the conversation just flew-she said making Billie look at her, giving her a smirk-what is that- why are you smirking?

Billie: nothing, just thinking you know-Billie shrugged-he's handsome and young and-

Abigail: mom he's like 24-she said interrupting Billie

Billie: okay, I'm just kidding-Billie said making Abigail playfully roll her eyes

Brandon: dealer lets go?-Brandon said to Billie, as he, Jayden and Emma all walked into the kitchen-hi love-he kissed Abigail's head making her smile

Billie: oh Abigail I forgot to tell you, we're taking Emma to the airport right now-Billie said cleaning her hands

Abigail: oh, okay, I'll wait for you guys to come back, I'll have dinner meanwhile

Emma: you can come if you want-Emma suddenly said surprising everyone

Brandon: I mean, yeah let's go Abigail-Brandon said

Abigail: I- I don't know-Abigail shrugged in discomfort-okay, fine-she said before standing up


Jayden: come back soon, I miss you-Jayden said hugging Emma

Emma: I miss you too buddy-she said kissing his head before they pulled out-bye dad-she hugged Brandon, softly resting her head in his chest

Brandon: I love you-he kissed her head before they pulled out and Emma hugged Billie

Billie: bye baby, take care of yourself okay? I love you so much and I'm gonna miss you-Billie said

Emma: I'm gonna miss you more mama, I love you-Emma said before they pulled out of the hug and Emma unexpectedly put Abigail in for a hug too-I know we don't talk but I want you to know that you're still my sister and you'll always be my sister, I love you and I miss talking to you-Emma whispered, continuing to hug Abigail but not earning a hug back. Emma pulled out and opened her arms wide for their family hug. This one, all of them? including Abigail went in for-I love you all and I'm gonna miss you, call me everyday-she said

Jayden: I'll miss you-Jayden smiled caressing Emma's back

Brandon: I love you Em-Brandon smiled too

Billie: take care of yourself please-Billie was the one speaking this time

Emma: all right I gotta go, by guys I love you-Emma said one last time and they started hearing light snores. Billie was crying-mom!-Emma said pulling her in for another hug

Billie: I'm sorry, you're leaving today, Abigail tomorrow, I miss having you two near me-Billie cried in Emma's arms

Emma: I'll be back as soon as possible, don't worry mama

Billie: I want another family hug come on-Billie said opening her arms and soon feeling everyone hug her-I love every single one of you so much and no words can explain how much I wish Jade and Brandon could've been here-she said talking about Jade and Brandon, the baby Billie lost in that same traumatizing day

It was so crazy how a simple new teacher turned things the way it did. They were now a happy family, even though they would always feel Jade's and Brandon's empty spaces. They were still happy and finally feeling like one of those happy families from movies.

a/n: as you've noticed, I'm bad at endings 😭

Anyways, "My angel 2" is out on sunday, I hope you like it and once I end "My angel 2", I'll be putting out "Abigail", which is obviously Abigail's book. In that book, that'll be flashbacks showing what happened in the 5 years after Jade's death, including Emma's and Abigail's fight

thank you for all the love you gave me. the end.

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