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3Rd person pov:

Jade: why me?-Jade whispered-yelled

Abigail: because you're the oldest-Abigail whispired-yelled back

Jade: but you're the favorite kid-

Emma: you know what, I'll go-Emma rolled her eyes, turning around and going to the living room. The girls have been discussing for about 15 minutes, about who was going to talk to Brandon-hey dad-Emma said sitting on the couch by Brandon's side, she could tell he had just cried

Brandon: hey-he cracked a smile sitting closer to her

Emma: how are you?-Emma asked

Brandon: come on Em-he said knowing that that wasn't the question she wanted to ask

Emma: are you and mom going to divorce?-she asked seeing her dad sigh before nodding his head-what's gonna happen to us? I mean Jade and Abigail are your biological daughters so they're staying with you but what about me and Jayden? 

Brandon: I don't know what's gonna happen but the last thing I want is to separate you guys, I don't want mine's and Billie's divorce to affect your guys relationship-he said making Emma release a nervous chuckle while shaking her head

Emma: Billie...-she said looking at her hands-it's so weird hearing you talk about her as "Billie" and not "Dealer"-she said 

Brandon: a lot of things are going to change Em-Brandon said

Emma: I know, I'm just worried about Jayden, I know how hard is living without your mom and we all know how attached to mom Jayden is

Brandon: we'll figure it out-Brandon caressed Emma's back before pulling her into a hug


Finneas: Billie I know you enough to know that you would never cheat, mainly not on Brandon, talk to me please-Finneas crossed his arms looking down at Billie who was sitting in her old bed

Billie: I-Billie tried finding an excuse but couldn't, making her sigh shaking her head and just look down at hands

Finneas: Billie- I'm really trying to-

Billie: why do you care? It's not your business-she said

Finneas: why do I care? You're my sister and best friend and I know you, Billie you would never do something like that with 4 kids and another one on the way

Billie: I'm going home, I can't do this-Billie stood up getting out of her room with Finneas following her

Finneas: you're going home, what home?-Finneas said

Maggie: guys what's-

Billie: Finneas mind your business! Don't you have a wife, two kids and fcking dog? Pretty sure you have a lot to do-she shouted before getting out of the house walking towards her car and driving towards the house. By the time she got there, she was in tears

She got out of her car walking inside her house and noticing a paper in the dinning table, she walked towards it, picking it up and reading it

"I've contacted a lawyer and the divorce papers should be in your house in a few days. Jade and Abigail are my daughters so they're staying with me. We'll have to go to court so a judge can decide with who Emma and Jayden are staying. And my lawyer is sending you a letter about a paternity test I am doing to be sure the baby you're currently carrying is really mine, if yes, I'll also be fighting for the custody.

You can stay with the house, I'll ask some people to pick up the rest of mine's and the kids belongings on monday.

Do whatever you want with the wedding rings, there's mine.


Billie looked down seeing Brandon's wedding ring on the table, making her tears immediately come down non-stop. She was too scared to loose her family, so she called an old friend

Call between Billie and Vivian
Vivian: hey Billie! Long time no see, what's up?

Billie: hi Vivian-Billie cried

Vivian: hey what's going on?-Vivian asked when she heard Billie's voice flutter

Billie: I need help

Jun 16, thurs

Billie: Hudson-Billie surprised

Hudson: Billie-Hudson smirked immediately grabbing Billie by her waist and kissing her neck

Billie: stop please-Billie whispired

Hudson: you know, I looked up a little, you got some hot girls-he smirked looking at Billie

Billie: no please-

Hudson: here's the deal, tomorrow I'll be in your place at 10:00am and I want pussy, otherwise say bye to your little girls because I'll make some good money selling them-he whispired everything before licking Billie's ears and then leaving


Brandon: why don't we have lunch with them first?-Brandon asked as he lay down in the bed next to Billie

Billie: no I also need you to go to the supermarket to get a few things for lunch-Billie said

Brandon: I can go to the supermarket, come back, we eat lunch with and then take-

Billie: Brandon please, just do what I'm telling you-she said

Brandon: yes love of my life, as you wish, now cuddle me-Brandon said pulling Billie towards him, laying his head on her boobs and caressing her baby bump-our baby is growing more each day-he smiled

Billie: is this your way of saying I'm fat?-Billie chuckled

Brandon: ma'am shut the fck up with that-Brandon chuckled back

Billie: what are we doing for Jade's birthday? It's in 22 days

Brandon: I don't know to be honest, I don't think she's going to want something big

Billie: maybe we could just make her favorite breakfast in the morning and then call her closest friends and family in the afternoon

Brandon: yeah, that sounds good-Brandon-I can't believe she's turning 14, she's so grown already

Billie: yeah, she was so small when I met her and look at her now

Brandon: but you know what, the other day, I had the impression that I saw a hickey on her neck but I choose not to say nothing about it because it could be a burnt or something-he said making Billie internally laugh

Billie: yeah it was probably just a burnt I mean she has been straightening her hair a lot so.

A/n: my bad, this should have been posted on friday😭✋🏼

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