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3Rd person's pov

brandon: can i turn off the light?-brandon asked coming out of the bathroom making billie hum. he turned off the light going to bed

billie: can i?-billie said making brandon nod. she lied on his chest, hugging his uncovered torso-it's the first year all of us are gonna do this and i don't know if it's the best idea

brandon: why?

billie: em and abigail-she sighed-tomorrow should be a family day with peace and-

brandon: you should be happy we're all here, it's a good thing

billie: i didn't say i'm not happy, i said that i know exactly what's gonna happen tomorrow and it's not gonna be a good family time

brandon: billie let's just enjoy the moment, no necessity to start shit-he said making billie sigh before turning around, ready to sleep


jayden: you're finally here-jayden said when they saw abigail approaching

abigail: i'm sorry, my taxi came later than it should-she said

brandon: that's okay, let's go?-he said making everyone nod, turning around and starting to walk

billie: how was the trip?-billie asked as she and abigail stayed a little bit behind

abigail: it was shaking more than i like but it was nice, i saw the prettiest sunrise, i'll show you some pictures later-she said making billie nod-is everything okay with you and dad? you guys used to be so touchy with each, always holding each other's hand and stuff

billie: it's nothing i want you to worry about, it's okay-she said giving abigail a small smile

brandon: alright, in a half moon please-brandon said making they all stay by each others  side

jayden: happy 20th birthday big j, even though i don't have clear memories of you, i still miss you and wish you were here-he said before putting his flower down

every member on the family left a flower and a little message before they all left, going over jade's favorite restaurant to have lunch

abigail: maybe it should me be better you guys go ahead and have lunch, i'll go there to have dinner later

brandon: abigail come on there's no necessity for this

emma: there is a lot of necessity, i'll be thankful if she leaves

abigail: can you shut up for a second? i'm not even talking to you

emma: girl i-

billie: okay enough-billie shouted stopping them before they started another fight-you guys go have lunch, me and abigail are gonna spend time together and then we'll have dinner

emma: it's always your fault, always breaking us apart

billie: emma please-billie said before abigail could answer-come on abigail-billie motioned with her head

abigail: bye dad, bye jay-abigail said before she and billie started leaving

billie: jayden make sure you eat

jayden: yes sir-he said positioning himself as a soldier.

a/n: late but are we surprised 🥲

shake that ass, shake it shake it😮‍💨

anyways see u on sunday

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