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Bils pov

Abigail: emma!-abigail shouted

Brandon: what-brandon said-you like a boy?-brandon looked at Abigail and i saw her look away-youre 12yo Abigail

Jade: you dont choose to like someone

Brandon: so you like someone too or what?

Jade: maybe i do, maybe i dont but you wouldnt know bc you have always terrified us ab the idea of dating someone, we're not gonna be little girls till forever, what if one day i wanna become idk, a stripper-

Brandon: wow there-brandon interrupted

Jade: my point is, as much as we all love you dad, you do not make us feel comfortable w sharing stuff ab who we like-jade said

Abigail: i love you dad but seriously, if i told you i was just even thinking ab someone you would've punched someone, mom makes us a lot more comfortable when subject is dating someone or liking someone

Brandon: alright ig-brandon slowly nodded his head-what can i do to change that? To be better?-he asked. This man will always try to be the best father he possibly can

Abigail: i mean idk uhm, dont punch someone?

Jade: dad its not something you're gonna do today and tomorrow we'll be spilling all the tea, it takes time and we need to gain your trust in that aspect yk-i saw brandon nod once again

Bil: and ab what happened in school, seriously Abigail, next time defend your sister, you dont have to argue w anyone, if just hold her hand and stay right by her side it could mean the world already

Abigail: okay, sorry emma-abigail said

Emma: sorry for screaming at you too

Bil: now theres something else we need to talk ab, the cussing-i said looking at them-you have a 4yo brother and another one to arrive, i cant force you not to so im asking, please dont cuss, mainly in front of your siblings, i really dont appreciate it and i dont appreciate even more hearing a 4yo cussing bc his sisters were cussing too-i saw the girl nod-ig thats it-i said seeing them stand up from the table going to their rooms-you okay?-i looked up at Brandon when he stood up from the table

Brandon: yeah i just feel bad yk, thats never how i saw things-he said-now i feel like a bad dad, all I wanted to do was take care and protect them not make them uncomfortable or deprive them from living

Bil: youre not a bad dad que, you said it yourself you were just trying to protect them-i said standing up and hugging his waist from behind

Brandon: im just glad they trust you and theyre not keeping everything to themselves-he said caressing my hand. Before i could answer, we heard the bell ring

Bil: i got it, keep doing dinner cuz im starving-i said pulling out of the hug and going over to door while i heard que turn on the stove

Brandon: im tryna make some soup but idk what to make, any idea?-he said

Bil: yeah just do some-i cut myself when i opened the door and saw who it was

Brandon: some what?-i heard que-mamas what-he cut himself too seeing who it was-what are you doing here?

Tani: i came to give you guys this-she said handing brandon an envelope-i want my daughters custody and i will fight for it so you better find a good lawyer cuz mine-she chuckled shaking her head

Bil: wtf is wrong w you? You dont care ab them, why would you want their custody for?

Brandon: let me guess, for the money i will have to pay from their food allowance

Tani: who knows-tani smiled shrugging

Bil: i swear to god-

Brandon: dealer-brandon interrupted me grabbing my arm when he saw me walking towards tanis face-youre not gonna ruin our family even if you have the best lawyer in the world

Jayden: mama, i hurt my finger-jayden suddently appeared making the three of us look at him. He had his little finger up w the tip of it bleeding

Tani: is that your guys son-she said starting to laugh-hes uglier than i thought

Bil: repeat that shit and i swear i'll be break every single one of your teeth

Tani: he is-

Jade: dad whats going on?-jade appeared. I saw her eyes widen when she saw her mother

Tani: jade baby-tani said trying to go inside, to be closer to jade, but i stopped her going in front of her

Jade: what are you doing here?

Tani: im back-she said backing away from me

Jade: after almost 5 years you think you can just come back? Like nothing happened?

Tani: dont worry honey, im getting your guys custody

Jade: what- dad-jade looked at me and Brandon

Brandon: shes not getting any custody-brandon said side hugging jade

Tani: i see you became just like your sister-she shook her head-youre such a disappointment and either you want it or not, im getting your custody-she looked me up and down-congratulations on your pregnancy, be careful so you wont fall anywhere and you know, someone dies-she said looking at my stomach

Brandon: what did you just said?-brandon said and now he was the one getting into her face

Tani: i'll see you guys in court-she chuckled before leaving

Jade: how does she know where we live?

Brandon: i dont have any idea-brandon shook his head before hugging me, he knew that tani threatening my baby affected me-its okay, you'll be okay and no one is dying okay-he kissed my head

Jayden: mama is everything okay?-jayden asked

Bil: yeah dont worry baby and cmon lets get you a bandaid for that finger-i said pulling out of the hug and grabbing his hand.

A/n: i swear im ab to delete all my books and disappear, i hate everything

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