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3Rd person's pov

billie: thank you-billie said to the waitress before she left-so, how are things going, how's new york, any cute boys?-billie smirked

abigail: things are going okay, uncle finneas and claudia are amazing, the twins too, new york is great, pretty noisy but great and boys, ew-she said making billie chuckle

billie: what? you're more into girls?

abigail: well-she shrugged-i actually wanted to tell you and dad this for a while but i can just tell you right? i'm bi-she said expecting billie to have a reaction

billie: cool what do you want me to do about it? -she chuckled making abigail chuckle too

abigail: idk, you should be mad, or happy or something

billie: you're a normal person and i'm your mom, it's not like i didnt know-she shrugged

abigail: how?-abigail chuckled

billie: i just knew, but just tell, how are the girls and boys over there?

abigail: mom stop, you know i want distance from that right now

billie: why? you should life, fall in love, get drunk, do drugs-

abigail: mom!-abigail shouted before both of them started laughing

billie: what?-she said-i want you to live

abigail: living doesn't mean doing drugs

billie: i know i was just kidding-she said making abigail shake her head-but you don't even have eyes in anybody?

abigail: not at all-she shook her head-now, enough of me, let's talk about you and dad, what's going on?-she looked at billie, seeing her shrug

billie: idk, we were okay but i think he really wants you girls to talk again so he gets mad at me when i say that i don't think that's happening right now

abigail: totally-abigail agreed before looking around and sighing-i miss jade-she said making billie sigh too-she was unbelievable stupid but i still loved her so much, we should be celebrating her 20th birthday today, not this-she said making billie look down her hands, playing with them

billie: i'm so-

abigail: you have to stop blaming yourself-abigail said looking at billie-jade's death wasnt your fault, the baby's death wasn't your fault either, in fact you almost died too-she said

billie: it was my fault abigail, it was nobody else's fault but mine-she said-but you know what makes me more angry than that? the fact that the people that killed two of my kids and made me infertile are still out there, leaving life as if nothing happened, that makes me more angry than anything else in the world

abigail: don't worry mama-she said putting his hand over billie's tight-if i ever see any of those three people, i'll kill them myself

billie: call me and i'll be glad to help-she winked before both of them chuckled-but i do miss jade too, even though she was mean to me-she said making both of them chuckle again.

a/n: my head is gonna explode

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