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Bils pov
Tues, jun 6

Bil: hi dad-i hugged my dad as he and jade where sitting in the couch watching something on the tv

Patrick: hi honey, haven't seen you in a while

Bil: you saw me last week dad-i chuckled-lets go home jade?-i turned to jade seeing her start to stand up grabbing her school bag

Since the girls end school at 3:40pm and me and brandon only get out of work at 6pm, either my mom or dad gets them

Maggie: hi baby

Bil: hi mama-i hugged my mom giving her a small kiss on her forehead-ew what is this?-i looked at the pan she was mixing

Maggie: its just soup

Bil: why is it green mom, ew-i chuckled seeing her roll her eyes and softly hit my head

Maggie: abigail and emma are in the back playing w the dogs-i nodded walking towards the back of the house seeing emma, Abigail, pepper, peaches, yoku and shark all playing

Bil: TIME TO GO HOME LITTLE RATS-i shouted seeing shark immediately start running towards me-hi love of my life-i hugged him as he was licking my whole face

Emma: ABIGAIL-i heard emma scream and then saw pepper and peaches fighting. I quickly stood up separating them-HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REMIND YOU THAT THEY CANT STAY TOGETHER



Abigail: YOU-

Bil: HEY-i screamed interrupting them-emma take peaches inside and go to the car w jade-i threw the car keys to emma seeing her get peaches and both of them walk inside-why yall fighting for?

Abigail: nah nah, dont put it in plural cuz you saw how she was the one screaming at me just bc shes older doesnt give her the right to be disrespectful-abigail said crossing her arms over her chest

Bil: abigail-

Abigail: its fine, you always defend her anyways-she cut me getting yoku and walking away

I sighed before kissing peppers head and making sure she was okay from the fight, since she looked fine, i got shark and walked in saying bye to my mom and dad

Bil: bye, lub you-i screamed before leaving

When i got next to the car i could hear screaming coming from inside and yoku barking






Bil: ALRIGHT THATS ENOUGH-i screamed opening the car door-what is wrong w yall today? What happened in school?-i asked but no one answered-if you dont tell me, i'll have to tell your dad and it'll be solved in the hard way

Jade: some girl was making fun of emma for being adopted and emma is mad bc abigail didnt defend her-jade finally said and i saw abigails eyes roll

Bil: abigail-i looked at her expecting her to say something but she didnt so i closed the car door, going to the other side into the driver seat and driving home

3rd person pov

Brandon was making dinner while jayden was eating chocolate and doing painting on his activity book

As soon as the girls got in, all of them wanted to go to their room but billie immediately stopped them

Bil: everyone in the table-she said closing the door

Jayden: MAMA-jayden screamed running towards his mom and hugging her tight as he always does when he sees her

Bil: hi buddy- jade-billie called for jade when she saw her going in her room as abigail and emma were sitting in the table

Jade: what? I dont have anything to do w their little show-she said

Brandon: jade get your ass in that goddamn chair!-brandon demanded

Even though he didnt know what was happening, he knew that when billie asked for everyone to sit in the table, something was up

Jade sighed in frustration before sitting in the table by abigails side

Brandon: whats going on?-brandon asked after kissing billie and getting her purse

Bil: i'll explain it, i just have to throw up first-she said running towards the bathroom and throwing up

Brandon: can you leave this at mamas bed and then sit at the table w your sisters?-jayden nodded getting billies purse and running away while brandon turned off the pan and ran to the bathroom, holding billies hair so it wouldnt go inside the toilet-you good?-he rubbed her back seeing her nod

Bil: help me-she stick her arms out for him to help her stand up from the floor, and once she did, she flushed down the toilet, brushed her teeth and then her hands before going to the table w Brandon, and explaining him what happened

Brandon: emma did talk to anyone ab the girl that was making fun of you?-he asked seeing her shake her head-i'll call your school tomorrow and inform the occurrence

Bil: i can-

Brandon: no you cant-brandon interrupted-youre gonna end up wanting to fight a 12yo-he said making billie shake her head while rolling her eyes

Bil: and emma i hope you know that you are our daughter and we love you more than anything, youre not just an adopted girl

Brandon: now Abigail, why didnt you stood up for your sister

Abigail: look idk how it was when you guys were in middle school, but if i stood up for her i would never have any friends ever again, besides the fact that the girl was literally two times my height, plus why didnt emma stood up for herself

Emma: oh cmon you never stood up for me, when jade used to bully you who defended you 24/7? Me! And when its my turn you just pretend you dont know me? Oh pls

Jade: hell nah, dont put me into your little stupid argument

Brandon: alright enough, abigail emma is your sister, when you loose a friend, a family member, a dog, a bf, she is still going to be there, you cant just ignore people you love bc youre scared you'll loose friends, that doesnt even looks like you at

Emma: it wasnt just bc of loosing friends, she was scared that if she stood up for me she would get her ass beaten in front of the boy she likes.

A/n: im so tired of being alive

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