walk w me²⁹

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Bils pov

Jayden: MAMA-jayden screamed running and hugging my legs

Bil: hi buddy, i missed you-i bent down hugging him back

Emma: hi mom-emma kissed my cheek

Abigail: hi bestie-abigail said patting my head. I gave her a look and she started laughing hugging me from my back so i was still bending down hugging Jayden

Bil: miss gurl get off of me w yo fat ass

Abigail: at least you know i have a fat ass-she said sticking her tongue out

Bil: not fatter than mine bbg

Abigail: ahum-she giggled

Brandon: i am going to pretend i wasnt here listening to this-que suddently appeared making me and Abigail laugh-now cmon, me and dealer have something to tell you guys

Abigail: i'll get the others-abigail said leaving while me and brandon went to the dinning table. Thats where we had our "Family reunions"

Soon, the four of them walked in sitting on their respective seats

Brandon: okay guys, while you guys were w grandpa and grandma something happened and we found something-he looked over me

Bil: we're having a new member on the family-i said

Jayden: another puppy!?-jayden screamed

Brandon: jayden pls dont scream buddy-brandon giggled-no, we're not having a another puppy, mama-

Before he could finish his sentence the door bell ring

Bil: i got it-i stood up going over the door and seeing a girl standing there, she was blonde and kinda tall-can i help you?-i caught her attention since she was looking at her feet and didnt seem to notice my presence

Girl: oh shit-she jumped at the tone of my voice-fuck- omg- im sorry! Hi, you must be ms adams-she quickly said sounding nervous

Bil: thats me and you are...?

Girl: eva! Im eva, jades- uhm- friend-she said putting her hand out for me to shake-uhm, is there anyway i can talk to her?

Bil: yeah sure, wanna come in?

Eva: no, i'll wait here for her-i nodded my head going back inside

Bil: jade, your friend eva is at the door-as soom as i said that, i saw jades eyes widen and she stood up going to the door

Brandon: couldnt tell her to wait dealer-brandon asked as i was sitting back down at the table

Bil: que its not like jade cares ab it-i said seeing him give me a look-what, yk she diesnt care-i shrugged

Brandon: dealer-

Abigail: OKAY-abigail screamed-yall not ab to have a fight, my head hurts so sh-abigail interrupted

Emma: not Abigail pulling on a jade attitude to tell yall to shut up-emma laughed making the rest of us too

After a lot of laugh and random convos, jade was still outside and Jayden was getting really impatient, so I stood up again going to call jade. As soon as I opened the door-


Bil: jade?-i closed the door seeing jade and eva pull away from their-

Apparently, makeout session

Jade: omg-

Eva: shit-

Bil: eva i think its time for you to leave-i saw her nod and give jade a last glance before leaving-jade-

Jade: pls dont tell dad-she interrupted me-ik you dont own me anything and that we dont have the best relationship but pls dont tell him

Bil: jade, i cant lie to him-

Jade: youre not lying if he doesnt know, pls

Bil: who is she? Like, actually

Jade: shes my friend but we've kissed, uhm- a couple times-she shrugged-ik its wrong to like other girls but i really like her and she calms down my bitchy attitude

Bil: first, its not wrong to like girls, you can like whoever you want to, second why cant we just tell your dad?

Jade: bc he'll be mad and say that im too young

Bil: well, technically youre still really young

Jade: im 13, im old enough-she quickly said making me release a sigh

Bil: jade-

Brandon: did you went to china to get her?-i was interrupted by brandon opening the door-why you taking so long for?

Bil: we-

Jade: why does everyone in this house always up to others people business, damn-she quickly changed her behavior

Tbh, i feel like she only said that so brandon wouldnt suspect ab anything

Bil: shes mad bc i asked ab what she and her friend were talkin ab-i said when brandon gave me a "wtf" face

Brandon: anyways, lets go?-he said sticking his hand out for me to hold-alright, as i was saying, we're not getting a new puppy, mama is pregnant-he said and the room went silent

Abigail: those were the news?-abigail asked and we nodded

Emma: only for you two cuz it was obvious for literally everyone

Bil: wdym?

Emma: well you see...how do i tell you this...you-

Jade: she doesnt have the guts to say it but i do, youre fat and your boobs are even bigger-jade said

Bil: yall just jealous you dont have boobs-i stick my tongue out

Emma: who told you to come out of a boobless women-emma busted out laughing

Abigail: as if you had big boobs-abigail rolled her eyes

Emma: at least my mom gave me a 32aa, what did you mom gave you darling, a 02aa?-emma chuckled again

Abigail: emma you tryna fight?-abigail raised her eyebrows

Jayden: i dont understand-jayden crossed his arm

Brandon: believe me, youre not trying to-brandon said getting Jayden out of his place

Jayden: kiss-jayden reached out for me and i kissed his cheeks seeing him smile leaving w que. I saw the girls stand up as well and emma and abigail hugged saying that they were really happy and that they loved me

Jade: congratulations-jade said before cracking a small smile and leave

Emma: is she on drugs?-emma saìd w her eyes wide.

A/n: i didnt re-read it so lmk if theres any misspelled words pls

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