DAY 10

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I faced the Maze, the sun casting light on its lower half, as we waited for the doors to open.

The towering, ivy-colored walls were always daunting, yet today they were more so. If we didn't find anything else today... There was only enough water for 2 more days.

I felt fingertips graze my shoulder, and I turned my head. Thomas was looking at me, checking to make sure I was okay. I responded with a small smile and a nod.

We were all somber after the events of last night. We'd lost 5 more guys- boys. They were children, we all were. We'd tried to defend against the grievers, but it was hopeless.

The ground beneath my feet started quaking as the doors to the Maze ground open. A light breeze filtered through the doors and touched my face.

Today had to be the day. All three of us knew it.

Minho clapped me on the back and we were off. He had the stinger arm attached to his pack. We'd wrapped the stinger itself in every spare fabric we could find.

I watched it bounce against his back as we ran. We weren't stopping for lunch today. We were just going to check out section 8 and report back.

We cleared the inner section. As we came to the entrance to section 8, we slowed.

"It's open." Minho stated. "It was open the day we went in, but then it's supposed to close. Section 2 is supposed to be open today."

"Let's check it out," Thomas insisted. So, we did. We made it through the Blades and started for the grieved hole.

We'd seen it open for the grievers, and I'd thought maybe if the section had stayed open this would have too.

I was just starting to feel hopeless when there was a loud beep, and the stone door started to raise itself.

We all looked at each other. I kept looking at Thomas. "Down the griever hole we go." he said while exhaling. I couldn't help but be a little excited at there being something new

It was another passageway, but more like a bridge. On either side were pits. Bottomless, Minho confirmed after peering over the sides.

At the end of the bridge, there was a circular hole. I stepped closer to take a look while Minho and Thomas looked over the sides. After Minho tried to joke around and almost slipped, giving both me and Thomas a heart attack, they came over to look with me.

As soon as Minho righted himself and walked over, there was another loud beep. The same one, so it must be coming from the stinger. I was grabbing his arm to swing him around when the circular hole opened.

We all peered inside, but it was too dark to see anything. Then there was a red beam of light that seemed to scan us. It must not have liked that we were not grieves because an alarm started blaring.

The hole snapped shut. Minho and Thomas both grabbed my arms and started dragging. "We gotta go NOW" Minho shouted.

We were almost off the bridge when we felt and heart stone slamming behind us. I glanced back and saw stones slamming down along the bridge behind us.

"Don't look back!" Thomas yelled. We could see the Blades start closing so we really had to pick it up.

We had to dodge more changing parts on the way back, but we made it. We hadn't been able to have full rations of food or water, so it made it more exhausting.

We all stumbled to a stop just inside the Glade. Newt, Chuck, and Ally were waiting there for us.

I felt like I was going to crumple to the ground from exhaustion. Newt must have noticed because he lunged for me just as I let myself drop to my knees. He dropped to his knees in front of me, and lifted my chin with his hand.

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