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night four

The Maze was just bothering me tonight.

I'd finished my food pretty quick, and I was just leaning against our log. Fry had gone to get us all drinks.

I must've looked pretty perturbed because Newt asked, "Did someone piss you off or something? You look bloody furious."

Thomas was talking to Chuck and Minho, but I saw him glance up at us.

I turned to face Newt. "Yeah, it's those bloody walls." I said, mocking him and trying to relax.

"We've all been there," he sighed. Which just irritated me more and proved me right that they'd all stopped worrying about leaving.

"That's the problem Newt." I said, a little sharper than I intended, "None of you care about getting out of here anymore."

"Hey," he said, looking me in the eyes, "We haven't given up okay? We just can't have everyone worrying about it all the time. Everyone has their jobs. The runners look for a way out, everyone else keeps the Glade functioning."

I guess that was true. There might be more problems and conflicts if everyone was always focused on getting out. No one would want to work on the farm or other tasks.

I focused back in on Newt's face. He seemed to be focused on me, and he had a curious expression on his face.

He looked away, down at his hands. "Hey maybe you'll be the one to get us out of here," he looked back up grinning.

"But i'm not a runner." I said.

"Not yet," was all he said in reply. He had a mischievous look on his face.

I couldn't help but laugh. He'd helped me relax some, but I knew I would still be bothered for the rest of the night. The Maze was kind of unavoidable.

I looked back around at the other guys. I saw Thomas quickly glance away, as if he'd been watching us.

Fry came back and started passing out drinks. I sat back and listened to the boys for the rest of the night. Sometimes laughing, sometimes zoning out.

I stayed by Newt, and Thomas stayed across from us in our little circle. I tried to catch his eye a few times, but he never looked when I did.

I stopped trying and just sat back the rest of the night, dwelling on the Maze, on the memory dreams, on Thomas ignoring me...

No one else bothered me, even though I stayed pretty quiet all night.

Greenie Girl (ThomasxReaderxNewt)Where stories live. Discover now