Second Chapter: Goodbye

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Louise was just starting to believe it. It was really hard at first, but she needed to accept the fact that her dad was getting sicker everyday. They discovered that he had developed brain cancer a few months prior from working so much. He had a big tumor inside of his head. Chemo is the thing that made the most ravages on him. He lost all of his hair and lost a lot of weight. He was extremely skinny, almost scary.

Elaine, Louise's mother, was about to break down. She was taking care of him day and night. It was difficult for her to see the man she fell in love with slowly and painfully dying. For her, he was unrecognizable. That was not the sweet, smart, loving man she fell in love with. She was so tired of seeing him in that state of pain, she was ready to let him go.

Louise moved to Paris for work, but she often came on the weekends to Angers to see her parents. This time, it was different. She didn't know if it was her last time seeing her dad. She went upstairs in the master bedroom to talk to her dad.

"Hey dad!" she says smiling

"My sweet Louise, how are you?" says her dad, making a lot of effort.

"I'm fine. Work is good. I really like it there, it's so beautiful. I wish you could see it, it's something!" Louise responded with a small smirk on her face.

Jules, Louise's father, laugh a little and continue "I'm sure I would've liked it too! I'm happy for you, really. I wish I could've been around more. I love you so much Louise, I'm so proud of the woman you're becoming."

Louise tries to hide her tears. She's starting to feel a  heavy ball in her throat. "Thank you dad, it means a lot to me..." she stops to think for a moment, then she continues " I'm just scared of you... you know, leaving us."

Jules gave a small smile to Louise. " But I'll be in a better place Louise, we both know that. I'm tired of suffering and making you and your mother sad." he pauses to think for a few seconds "I'm sure that in the afterlife, we will reunite again, and it will be like nothing ever changed"

Louise responded with a smile.

He continues. "I promise I will look out for you. When I'll be up there, I will protect you, your mother, and everyone you deeply care about. Don't worry about anything, Louise."

Louise hugged her father. She knew he was very sincere and it relieved her a little bit. She decided to lest her dad rest a bit because he looked exhausted after that small conversation they had.

She went downstairs in the kitchen, where her mom was sitting.

"Hey mom, I have to go, my train is leaving in thirty minutes. I'm sorry, I really wish I could've stayed longer." Louise told her mom.

"It's okay baby, I understand. Just text me when you get home safe?" Her mom says.

"I'll text you. Bye I love you, take care!" Louise hugged her mom goodbye.

Two hours later...

Louise finally arrived home and she texted her mom. She lived in a studio apartment downtown Paris. She was really into interior design, and it showed. Her apartment was decorated by her and she did a perfect job. She is really into vintage furniture. She loved the view there, she could see the Eiffel Tower from the large windows of her apartment. She lived there alone and she liked it a lot. She had a really big record collection in her living room taking almost all the place.


It was 10h27 A.M . Louise received the worst call she could possibly think of. It was her mom announcing her the death of Louise's father. It destroyed her, she was extremely sad. Jules passed away during the night. He had become too fragile, it was his time to go.

Louise cried all afternoon while packing her bags. She was going to go see her mom to comfort her because she knew she didn't have anyone else. She already called work taking paid leave for a few days. She took the train to Angers the next  day.

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