Chapter Eleven: Rooftop

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It was finally the weekend. Louise was really excited for the party, she waited the whole week for it. She went shopping for a dress in the afternoon and she was very eager to wear it. She decided to wear black again for the night. She liked wearing that colour, it made her feel sexy.

hey i'll pick you up at 9
be ready.

see you later!


"Why is he so dry?" Louise wondered to herself. They texted each other this week but it was just small talk. She thought he was just busy with his rapper things. She was busy too, but she always found time to respond to him. She wondered why he would invite her there if he didn't care at all about her.

While being lost in her thoughts, Louise received a call from Frank.


"Hi Louise. Are you still coming to the party tonight?"

"Of course I'm still coming," answered Louise. "Why?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to ride with us."

"Oh I would've loved to but Adam is picking me up," she said. "But thanks for asking."

"No problem. Well, I'll see you there-" Frank got interrupted by someone in the background. "Tyler says hi."

"See you later, tell him I say hi too." she smiled to herself.

They hung up the phone. Louise was starting to get nervous. She didn't want to see Tyler, it would confuse her even more. She wouldn't accept the fact that she was less excited to see Adam than to see Tyler, even if she knew deep down that it was true.

Adam was picking her up in less than an hour and she needed to dress. Her makeup and hair was already done, she just needed to put her dress and heels on.

She was all dressed up. She was really feeling herself in that outfit.

im here

The conversation in the car was dry. It was mostly Louise talking. She could see that Adam's mind was somewhere else. If she would have known he was going to act like that, she would've just canceled the plan. It completely ruined her mood.

When they arrived at the party, Adam changed his behavior. He was starting to get all touchy with her. He wouldn't get his hand off of her waist.  He was always looking around as if he was looking for someone. He started whispering sweet things in her ear. Louise was confused but she didn't want to ruin the mood, so she went with it.

Suddenly, Adam left Louise to go talk to someone. "I'm gonna go talk to a friend real quick. I'll be right back."

"Okay," said Louise. "I'm gonna go get a drink."

Arriving at the bar, Louise ordered her favorite drink. She didn't really want to drink tonight, but she felt like she needed to. There was too much going on for her.


She turned around, seeing her friend Frank.

"Hey Frank!" she said. "I'm really happy to see you."

"I'm happy too," he paused for a second. "You're not with your man?"

"No he went to say hi to a friend, and he ain't my man." Louise chuckled. "Where's Tyler?"

There he was, walking towards them. "He's so handsome," she thought to herself.

"Hey you," said Tyler, giving her a side hug.

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