Chapter Eighteen: Birthday Girl

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It was almost 1:00 in the morning and the majority of the people had already left, including Isabella.

We were sitting in Frank's living room. He was telling everyone some stupid shit we did when we were younger. He reminded me of a lot of things I thought I had forgotten.

"Oh Louise- remember the time when we went to that small ass corner store and the guy working there thought that we was stealing- and instead of proving him wrong we just sprinted outta the store."

I laughed, "Yeah, we were so stupid."

"I bet he said that 'cause we were black."

"Nah- he said that 'cause we were a bunch of kids with no money in his store."

Frank laughed.

It was moments like these that reminded me of how long I've known Frank for. He was my best friend and I was his.

I felt a slight vibration from my phone in my hand.

happy birthday.

thank you T.

you still at frank's ?



Knowing that he was aware that Frank was doing something for my birthday and he still didn't come ruined my mood. He should've been there from the beginning of the night, not 4 hours late.

About 20 minutes later, we heard Frank's door open and heard someone say "hello".

It was Tyler. What was he doing here? He's usually sleeping at this time.

Frank looked at Tyler, then at me, then back at Tyler.

"Look who's here," he dabbed him up, "my nigga T."

"Hey Frank," his voice sounded tired.

He looked at me, "hey Louise," letting a smile form on his lips.

"You late for the party," I said sarcastically, even though it hurted me a little bit.

Tyler chuckled, "I know," he pulled me in for a side hug, "sorry 'bout that."

I rolled my eyes, I physically couldn't be mad at him.

"Umm," he half whispered so only I could hear him, "I need to talk to you."

I stared at him.

"... In private."

"Oh," I felt butterflies in my stomach, "let's go out on the balcony."

While he followed me outside, I felt him put his hand down on my lower back. It gave me chills, literally.

"So..." I was waiting for him to speak.

He stared at me for a second, "I got you something."

"What? You didn't have to."

He dug in his satchel bag and took out a small box. He handed it to me.

"I thought of you when I saw it."

I opened the box. It was a very delicate gold necklace with a topaz stone. It was so beautiful, it took my breath away.

"Tyler, I-"

He had such a big smile on his face.

"Thank you, it's beautiful. How'd you know it's my birthstone?"

"The earrings you always wear." He had such a big attention to small details.

I touched my earrings. My father gave them to me on my 16th birthday. Since then, I have never removed or changed them. They meant a lot to me.

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