Chapter Three: The Funeral

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It was now two weeks after the passing of Louise's father. All week, Elaine has been talking about how bad she wanted to go back to Los Angeles. After all, she grew up there and all of her family was still there. She missed them a lot. Without Jules, Elaine wasn't really enjoying the idea of staying in France. She moved there for him and now that he is gone, she didn't really have any reason to stay there.

Louise, on her side, felt the same. She knew that she could be transferred to L.A and she didn't want her mom to move all the way there alone. As an architect, there were a lot more work opportunities waiting for Louise there. She missed Frank a lot and she thought moving to L.A would be a great way to cope with the fact that her father passed away. Moving there would feel like a fresh breeze for Louise and her mother. It was a good decision. They decided they would start packing after the funeral, they will be gone in two weeks.

The funeral.

Louise was wearing a black dress knee-length with a blazer on top. She had black heels. She wasn't crying, she didn't have any tears left from crying all week.

It was the time for her mom to do a speech.

"Fuck" Louise says to herself. "That's gonna be sad as hell"

Elaine took the mic, and started reciting the speech she wrote a few days ago. "First of all, I want to thank everyone for coming. Louise and I really appreciate it."

Everyone turned around to look at Louise with a sorry face. She felt really awkward.

Elaine continues "My sweet Jules, I never thought I would have to say goodbye to you this early in my life. From the first time we met, I knew I was in love. The way you looked at me, talked to me, danced with me, made it clear the feeling was mutual. You gave me the most beautiful daughter I could've ever dreamed of. After all these beautiful years you gave me on your side, it's hard to let you go. I still look for you in every room I walk in. I still get butterflies whenever I hear your name. I still make food for you, even if you're not there. Everynight, I fall asleep replaying the moments of us in my head and I thank god every time I remember you. It is very selfish to say, but I always hoped I'd be the first one passing away because I knew that living without you was going to be really hard, almost impossible. Jules, you'll be my favorite person forever and always, even if forever isn't enough. I love you"

Louise didn't want to cry anymore but there she was, sobbing like a baby. She never realised how much her parents loved each other until now. She was sad too because she knew she'd probably never experience the kind of love her parents had.

She decided to go talk to her father's grave when everyone left. "Hey dad, I'll miss you. I really hope you're doing well up there like you promised me. Thank you for everything. I know you didn't want your life to end like that. I'll take care of mom, I love you forever"

Louise heard footsteps coming towards her. It was her mom.

"Hey, I wanted to give you this." said Elaine, handing a piece of paper to Louise.

"What is it?" asked Louise, taking the piece of paper.

"It's the speech I just gave. I want you to keep it." said Elaine.

"Why?" asked Louise.

"I don't know... I feel like you should have it. It's like a little souvenir." said Elaine.

Louise made a little smile to her mom. "Well, thank you. I will keep it in a precious place."

Louise made her way to where everyone was. She took the time to thank everyone for coming, even the people she didn't know. She really appreciated the support. Only a few people knew that she and her mom were moving to Los Angeles. They knew some people would find it disrespectful of them to move on the other side of the earth after the passing of Jules, but they did not care at all of what other people thought about the situation. They knew what was best for them, and if moving to L.A was it, they would do it.

The next day.

Louise's phone started ringing.


"Hey Louise, it's me, Frank."

"Oh, hi Frank! I missed you!" said Louise.

"How have you been? After the funeral and all... I'm sorry I couldn't make it I-"

"Don't worry about it, Frank, I know you're really busy." Louise laughed a little " I'm good. I'm sad about my father, but I knew it was coming." Louise responded.

"I'm happy you're doing well." Frank said, he then continues "I won't beat around the bush. Your mom told me you two were moving back to L.A, is that true?" Frank asked excitedly.

"She told you?' Louise said surprisingly "Well, it is true. I wanted to tell you. We're moving in a week, I hope you're happy about that!"

"What the fuck, of course I'm happy about that! I can't wait to see you!" Frank continues "I cannot wait to party with you Louise! Oh, and maybe smoke... Cuz it's legal here you know"

Louise burst out a laugh. "Yes Frank, I know it is legal" "Well, I will arrive on thursday. So maybe if you're available on saturday, we could have lunch?"

"Of course! You don't even know how happy it makes me!" Frank responded.

Louise and Frank continued talking on the phone for about an hour, catching up, planning all the things they will do once Louise arrives in Los Angeles.

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