Chapter Six: New Job

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It was now Monday morning and Louise started her new job today. She was really excited and she really wished to have friendly coworkers. Frank was right, she needed to get out of her shell. That new job was the perfect occasion for her to start with.

She decided to wear a long white button up shirt and a long oversized light tan sweater vest on top of it. She put on some gold jewelry and some really cute ankle boots. She grabbed her bag and left her apartment.

She still worked for the same company, but from a different location. The office was a ten minutes walk away from her apartment. Louise knew how to drive but she didn't have a car. She didn't like driving because it was too stressful for her. She would rather walk than be behind the wheel. It was relaxing for her and it gave her time to listen to music.


8:47 AM

Louise arrived at the office. It was a very tall building in the middle of the city. She was told to go to the 14th floor.

She was welcomed by a very sweet girl about her age. She had really beautiful dark green eyes and light brown hair put in a low ponytail. Her hair was really long. The girl was wearing a grey plaid blazer dress and black heels.

"So this is your office, you have a really nice view." the girl continues "My name's Isabella by the way. If you need anything my office is next door!"

"Thank you! That's really sweet of you." said Louise.

Louise sat down on her chair. In her office there was only a desk, a chair, and a computer. It was looking kind of sad. She wondered if she could decorate her office so she went next door.

"Hey, I don't mean to disturb you. Do you think I can bring in some plants or furniture to put in my office?" asked Louise

Louise looked up around Isabella's office. She saw a lot of plants, books, and vintage furniture. "Oh my god..." Louise whispered to herself "We literally have the same taste".

"Of course you can! I know these offices look absolutely ugly," Isabella continues "I can help you bring in some furniture if you'd like to?"

"Yes, that would be awesome! I really like the plants," said Louise.

"Oh! Thank you," said Isabella, smiling.

During her lunch, Louise decided to go eat at home since she didn't live far away. The work she did in Paris was very different from the ones she did in Los Angeles. It was refreshing for her and she liked the challenge.

Louise received a message text from Frank.

are you having a good first day at work?

yes, these offices are ugly as hell but imma bring some plants or smtg idk yet

made any friends yet?;)

the girl that welcomed me seems cool. i think she's about my age too

ask her to go for a drink!!

lol. you're funny.
i might ask her. she even proposed to help me decorate my office.
she's into vintage too

i'm sure she'll say yes, you're a cool person!

haha i hope so


5:03 PM

Louise was going to ask Isabella to go for a drink with her. Maybe not today for the drink, but she really wanted to ask her. It was important for Louise to make friends and she didn't want to disappoint Frank.

"Hey, I was wondering if you'd like to go for a drink with me someday? I'm new in the area and I don't know a lot of people," asked Louise

"Of course I'd like to! I wanted to ask you," said Isabella amused. "We can go thursday night if you want? We start at 11:00 AM on Fridays instead of 9:00 AM."

"Yes, that would be amazing!" said Louise with a big smile on her lips. "I'm going home. Have a good evening!"

"I'm heading out too. Have a good evening!" said Isabella.

Louise was happy. She had a really good day at work and she was excited to get to know Isabella more. She needed a new friend. She still adored Frank but she always thought to herself that having some girl friends would be nice.

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