Chapter Nine: Open Blinds

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Louise didn't have a hard time getting rid of her hangover the day before. Louise only drank alcohol on special occasions and when she did, she didn't drink a lot. She just didn't really enjoy the taste or the feeling of being drunk. She was more of a smoker than a drinker. But again, she would only smoke on rare occasions.

Louise was starting to think that Adam forgot about her. He hadn't texted her or even called her. "He must be busy." Louise thought to herself. Adam was a rapper, he dropped his last album last summer and is probably already working on new stuff. Louise has never dated a rapper but she knew that most of them had bad reputation. She wasn't expecting anything romantic or serious from him.

Suddenly, she received a text message from an unsaved number.

"Who is this?" she asked herself.

Unknown Number
heyy, it's adam.
we met at solana's bday party friday

"It's him" she thought to herself. She then proceeded to save his number.

yes i remember;)

i was scared you forgot hahaha
what are you doing rn?

nothing lol just listening to some records

kinda bored.
you wanna drive around with me?

yeah why not

i'll pick you up in 30?

i'll send you the address.

Louise needed to get ready. She was excited to see Adam again. She hoped he would be as attractive as he was when they first met. She was a little bit nervous.

Louise took a quick shower and started dressing up. She wore a white corset tank top and baggy jeans. She put on some sneakers and jewelry. She sprayed perfume on herself and put on sunglasses. She was ready.

hey im here.

When Louise got outside, she saw a Mercedes parked in front of the apartment complex. "Must be him," she thought to herself. Approaching the car, she recognized the driver. It was Adam. She waved at him and got into the car.

"Hey!" said Adam.

"Hi!" responded Louise. "You have a really nice car."

"Thank you." said Adam, starting the engine.

They drove around for about thirty minutes. They talked about a lot of things like their career, music, friends, etc.

Adam was a nice guy. He looked good, smelled good, and he was funny. Louise liked talking to him. He was a good listener. He knew how to make women feel important.

"What're you doin' next saturday?" asked Adam.

"I don't know. I don't have any plans yet." responded Louise.

"Do you wanna come with me to a party? One of my friends is dropping an album and he is having a listening party. He rented a club in Santa Monica." said Adam.

Louise was really excited by the idea. "Of course I wanna go! Will you pick me up?"

Adam laughed. "Yes, I'll pick you up."

They continued driving around until they were in front of Louise's apartment complex.

"You wanna come inside?" asked Louise.

"Yes, I'd like to," responded Adam.

Oh shit. Louise didn't think he would actually say yes; she only asked that to be polite.

They both got out of the car and started walking towards the elevator. Louise was the type of girl that always cleaned up after herself, so she didn't have to be worried about her apartment being a mess.

It was the first time she invited a guy over at her apartment in L.A. When she was in Paris she used to have one night stands every now and then. She couldn't remember the last time she had sex and being alone with a guy in her home made her feel horny.

Louise and Adam both sat down on the couch next to each other letting the conversation flow. After a few minutes, Adam's hand started caressing Louise's thigh. Louise was starting to feel the heat between her legs. They both got closer and closer until they were a few inches from each other's face.

"Can I kiss you?" whispered Adam into her ear.

Louise smiled at him and then kissed him. His lips were really soft. They started adding tongue and Louise slowly climbed on his lap. Every touch, breath, or look made Louise feel hornier. She couldn't help it.

She started to feel Adam's erection growing under her, making her feel something she hasn't felt in a long time. She really wanted to have sex. Adam was touching her everywhere. Her waist, her back, her neck, her arms, her thighs, her ass, he was resisting really hard not to grab her breasts. She started slowly dry humping him.

Adam broke a kiss. "You sure you wanna do this?"

"Yes," replied Louise, moaning in his ear.

They both removed each other's shirts. Adam started trailing up Louise with kisses. He started with her neck, then went down to her breasts and went back up to her neck and then bit her ear.

Louise let out a small moan. She was starting to get really wet. She got up and slowly removed her panties. She kneeled down in front of Adam and pulled down his pants.

She took his dick in her hand and started teasing his tip. Adam was starting to breath heavily. He carefully started holding Louise's hair, making sure he wasn't pushing her head. Louise continued sucking his tip, slowly going in deeper every time using both of her hands. Adam's legs started shaking. Louise couldn't take it anymore, she needed to take a hand off of his dick to touch herself. Adam immediately noticed.

"Come here." said Adam while laying down Louise on the couch.

He started going down on her, rolling his tongue around her clitoris. Louise started moaning, holding Adam's head with her small hands. He started sucking on her which made her legs shake. He then started fingering her, still sucking on her pussy. Louise felt herself climaxing.

"Adam, I-" "I'm coming," moaned Louise.

She then reached her orgasm, relieving the pressure that was building up. Adam still hadn't come yet.

He went up to her face and started to kiss her. Louise kissed him back. She grabbed his dick and started masturbating him. She then sat down on the ground between his legs and started to suck on his dick. His legs started twitching and he let out small moans. He started breathing heavier. She knew he was about to reach his climax.

"I'm coming" he moaned.

Adam ejaculated. They kissed a bit and then laid down on the couch, taking back their breaths. After a few seconds, Louise got up and went into the bathroom to get her bathrobe.

Coming back into her living room, Louise took a look at Adam putting his clothes back on. "He's so sexy," she thought to herself. Louise looked out the window. Fuck.

"Adam," she said.

"What?" he asked.

"We forgot to close the blinds," remarked Louise.

They both looked at each other, laughing it off.

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