Chapter Ten: Gossip

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It was almost the weekend for Louise. Tonight, she will go out for a drink with Isabella. She didn't enjoy drinking but she wanted to spend time with her new friend. Isabella was a really nice girl and the two girls loved gossiping about their respective lives at work.

"Hey I'm gonna go grab lunch with a friend. I'll be back later." said Louise to Isabella.

"Okay." "Is it the guy you went on a date with this weekend?" Isabella looked at her smirking.

Louise laughed. "No it's not him," "I'm meeting up with Frank."

"Oh tell him I say hi."

Louise smiled at her.

Frank and Louise were having lunch at the same spot they did the last time. They both really loved that place; it was close to Louise's work and the food was great.

"So, what's up with you?" "You still haven't told me about your date." said Frank.

"It wasn't a date," she rolled her eyes. "He seems like a nice guy. He asked me to go with him at a listening party this weekend."

"Is it the one in Santa Monica?"

"Yeah," Louise was surprised. "You know about it?"

"I'm going with Tyler; he's gonna be happy about that."

"About what?"

"About you coming. He keeps talking about how he wants to meet with you again." Frank paused for a second. "I think you caught his eye," Frank took a sip of his drink.

Pause. It couldn't be real. Was the connection she felt with him real? Was Frank just joking around? Doesn't he have a girlfriend? So many questions were running through her mind.

"What do you mean I caught his eye, doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, he has a girlfriend; but you're seeing someone else too."

He had a point. Frank was really good at sensing these kinds of things. Louise liked Adam but she didn't really feel attracted to him. The sex they had was good but she didn't felt any sort of connection. She thought he was just a distraction to her at this point.

Frank noticed she was lost in her thoughts. "You're dumb if you're worrying about this bitch Sophia."

Louise raised a brow, surprised at what Frank had just said.

"She's done some pretty nasty things behind Tyler's back. She doesn't deserve people to worry about her; that's all I'm saying."

"What'd she do?"

"I'll let Tyler explain that one to you." responded Frank.

"Anyways, it ain't my business I don't really care."

"Oh you don't care? That's probably why you just asked me about it." Frank was messing with her.

Louise rolled her eyes. He was right, again. She had to get her mind off of that.

7:00 PM

Louise was starting to get ready for her evening with Isabella. The small club they were going to was just a block away from Louise's apartment so they decided to meet at Louise's place and walk to their destination.

She wore brown leather pants and a cream colored top. She put some heels on and jewels. She sprayed herself with a little bit of perfume and applied light makeup. She felt really sexy in those pants; it made her butt look great.

Isabella arrived at her apartment right on time. They started walking to the bar.

When they arrived there, they sat down at a table on the patio. They started talking about anything like they usually did. Louise explained to Isabella the whole Adam/Tyler situation.

"You wanna know my opinion?" said Isabella. "I think you're thinking about it way too much for someone who says it ain't nothin' serious."

"I know I overthink way too much but I just can't do otherwise. It really sucks. It's either I don't care about a guy or I get attached too quickly. No inbetween."

"Girl I love you but you need to work that shit out."

"I know," said Louise, taking a sip of her drink.

"You need to know what Adam's intentions are; and what yours are too."

"You're right"

"And you need to know why Tyler is still with this bitch."

They both burst out laughing, then continued talking for a few minutes.

"I need to go to the restroom. I'll be right back," Louise excused herself.

She went into the bathroom inside of the club; it was all the way to the back. There were a few girls waiting but it didn't take a long time for her turn to come. Walking back to her friend, Louise saw a face that she immediately recognized. It was Tyler.

He started walking towards her.

"Hey Louise. What are you doin' here?" asked Tyler, trying to hide his smile.

"I'm with a friend," she responded. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh I'm with some friends too," He then pointed at a small group of people. She only recognized Travis and Jasper, she didn't know the others.

"You look good," he said.

"Thank you!" She felt her cheeks warming up. "You look good too." she meant it.

Tyler always looked good no matter how he was dressed. Everything fitted him so well. He wasn't your typical hot guy, he was pretty. The way his eyes started shining every time he smiled. His voice, his laugh, his height, his shoulders, and his hands were just some of the things Louise liked about him.

Tyler smiled, "thank you."

"Well," Louise looked around. "I better go, my friend is waiting on me," she started taking a step towards the exit.

"Louise, wait."

She turned around, facing him.

"Can I have your number?"

"Yeah of course." she said, smiling.

She was shocked. She couldn't believe that he asked for her number. She was really happy even if it confused her. "Why is he asking for my number when he got a girl?" she asked herself. She really didn't want to get involved between the both of them. She always tried her best to stay away from drama; but she was in a sticky situation.

And there she was, overthinking things again.

Louise joined her friend on the patio.

"You won't believe who I just saw," said Louise.

9:34 PM

Louise received a text.

you looked good tonight;)

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