Chapter Fourteen: Date

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Saturday, 5:47 p.m

Frank just left and Tyler still hasn't texted me. He was probably still at the studio.

I kept thinking about what Frank said to me, "he called it a date 'cause it was a date." He was right. I really needed to stop worrying about small details like that and I needed to take matters in my own hands, so I texted Tyler.

you wanna come over when you done at the studio?
so we could finish our lil date;)

Waiting for his answer seemed so long to me but it only took a few seconds.

yeah sounds good


im here in 30


I was so excited for our "date" and I couldn't sit down. Waiting on him was so long and I had too much time to overthink again. I didn't want our date to go like the one I had with Adam when he came over. Don't get me wrong, Tyler is really fine and all that but I just don't want to fuck up whatever this is.

The fact that he is a really close friend to Frank made me more careful with him. I really didn't want this situation to be awkward. I didn't want to ruin the whole thing and I knew I would have to take my time with him.

I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and there he was, smiling and still surprising me by his height. He smelled really good too. He was holding a sushi platter.

"Hey," he said to me. "Hope you didn't eat yet."

"Oh you didn't have to, but thank you." I took the platter and put it on the table.

We sat at the table and ate all of the sushi. We talked about our day and many other things. I couldn't help myself but stare at his lips when he talked. I tried to look away a few times but always ended up staring at his eyes instead and he looked like he was doing the same thing to me. He was so handsome.

"You wanna watch a movie or sum?" he asked me.

"Yeah, whatever you wanna watch."

He followed me to the living room and he put on a movie while I turned off the lights, except for one small table lamp. I sat down next to him, our thighs touching.

Being so close to him made me feel a little anxious. He put his hand on my thigh and started rubbing it slightly, fidgeting with my jeans. He knew what he was doing. I rested my head on his shoulder and put my hand on his forearm, rubbing it softly. I felt him stare at me, then he looked back at the screen.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until he had to go to the bathroom. He left his phone on the couch and got up. While he was in the bathroom, he started receiving text messages on his phone. I couldn't help but check over my shoulder, his phone was just next to me.

hey, it was nice seeing you today:)
i miss you.

I immediately felt my stomach drop. What the fuck was he doing with her today? He told me he was done with her.  I shouldn't have let him come so close to me so quickly. I fucked it up, just like that.

I was done with rappers.

He came back from the bathroom and unpaused the movie. He went to put back his hand on my thigh but I stopped him, putting my hand into his. He looked at me, frowned, and stared back at the screen. I really liked his hands, they were so big and soft, something about them was very comforting but I had to let them go.

I looked over at Tyler. "I don't feel really good. I think you should go."

He looked very surprised. "Oh okay," he turned off the tv. "Maybe it's the sushi, I got them at this new place I've never been before."

"I don't know, maybe."

We both got up the couch and I followed him to the door.



"Did I do something?"

"No nothing," I felt bad lying through my teeth.

"Okay good," he paused for a second. "I'll check up on you later," he said going out the door.

"Okay, bye."

I closed the door behind him.

I felt bad. He's never been mean to me and he was there for me when I needed someone. I needed to protect myself but I felt bad. I should've asked him about it, but I didn't want him to think I was the type of girl to check her man's phone. How was I going to explain that one to Frank? I can already see him calling me stupid.

I went to bed right after he left. I kept thinking about it. How can he invite me to get breakfast with him, hang out with his ex, and come over to my place all in one day? It made zero sense to me.

Sunday, 10:37 a.m

I woke up with a text message from T.

you feel better?

I didn't answer him. I didn't want to speak to him so I decided to ignore him for the day.

I decided to leave my apartment for today. I wanted to walk around the city and do a little bit of shopping. I asked Frank to join me. I hope I won't have a hard time hiding what happened yesterday.


Frank invited me to another birthday party. He is always so nice to me, inviting me wherever and whenever he can so that I can meet people and make some friends. He is a really good friend, I love him.

"So, I'm going to who's birthday party?"


"So you're telling me there's gonna be a bunch of famous people?"

"They just regular people"

"Yeah right."

We both laughed.

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