Chapter Eight: The Afterparty

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It was midnight. Frank and Louise were the first ones to arrive at Frank's apartment. Frank lived about a 20 minutes drive away from Louise's place. Frank had a very nicely decorated apartment. It was minimalist and Louise loved it.

Louise was starting to get cold so she borrowed a zip-up hoodie from Frank. After about 10 minutes, people started to arrive at Frank's place. After welcoming all these people, Louise was starting to feel a little bit invaded. She needed a bit of alone time so she went outside on Frank's balcony.

The view she had there was amazing. She could see the stars in the sky even if she was in the city. Looking at the stars was something Louise really enjoyed. It was her little thing. She could be looking at the sky all night long if she could. It always brought her a sense of peace.

Since the death of her father, Louise always tried to find the brightest star in the sky believing it was her dad watching over her.

After a moment, Louise heard the sliding door open and she turned around. It was Tyler joining her. They slightly smiled at each other.

"Erykah Badu Mama's Gun," said Tyler, "number 13."

He sat down next to her.

"He remembers," Louise thought to herself. She then responded "What about it?"

"Did you like it?"

"I loved it!"

They both let out a small laugh.

"I didn't think you'd remember." stated Louise.

"I didn't think you'd remember too," said Tyler smiling. "So you're Frank's friend from France?"

"Yeah, that's me."

They both looked at eachother. Louise really liked his eyes. They had something so deep inside of them and she couldn't find any words to describe it.

Tyler kept receiving text messages disturbing the both of them.

"Who is it?" asked Louise

Tyler furrowed his brows.

"Who's sending you all these texts?"

"It's just Sophia. The girl that called me earlier. I guess she's my girlfriend." responded Tyler.

Louise remembered the words Frank said to her at the party: "Their relationship is the most toxic thing I've ever seen." Who was the toxic one? Was Tyler toxic? Anyway, why would she care? She doesn't know Tyler and he doesn't know her, they've just met. But she was just so curious about this man. Something that she couldn't explain attracted her to him. She wanted to know everything about him.

"You guess?" asked Louise surprised.

"It's complicated. I don't really wanna get into this right now." said Tyler.

"It's okay, I understand. I mean, we're strangers." said Louise.

They both laughed together. Louise felt a light connection between the both of them. They then started talking about how they both met Frank. They made small talk under the stars for about forty minutes. Louise was starting to feel really sleepy, and Tyler too. Tyler didn't drink so he decided to drive back home with the friends he brought with him at Frank's place.

"It was nice meeting you, Louise."

"It was nice meeting you too. Drive safe."

Tyler smiled to himself hearing those words.

Frank proposed Louise to sleepover in his guest bedroom and she accepted. She was tired and she didn't feel like calling an Uber to go home.

While falling asleep, Louise replayed the memories of her night in her head. She was really happy with the fact that she met a bunch of people. She couldn't believe she got to meet SZA. She thought about Adam, she wondered if he would call her. She didn't really care but she thought he could be a good distraction. She just arrived in L.A and she wasn't planning on having something serious with anyone.

In relationships, Louise always felt tied down. She hated to talk about her emotions, she felt like it was something personal that she didn't need to share and it made her feel vulnerable. She didn't like the feeling of losing control. She never really experienced real love but she didn't feel like she was missing out on something. She was very independent and was satisfied with herself.

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